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Troubles with formmailer / Problem mit Formular

Posted: Sat 26. Feb 2005, 12:38
by thebadflo
I'm the webmaster of and i've installed a couple of formmailer there. I maked them with the example of the PPHPWCMS Docu. I have the version Release 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004.

When i would send the form (with the button "send"), it comes nothing, only the startpage. I haven't installed any OK-pages or something in the form. Why it doesn't work? as an example of a form that doesn't work.

The strange thing is also that it worked before a week.

Sorry for my poor english.


Ich bin der Webmaster von und habe dort diverse Formular eingerichtet nach dem Muster von der PHPWCMS Docu.
Ich besitze die Version Release 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004.

Wenn ich das Formular abschicken will (Button abschicken klicke) kommt weder eine Fehlermeldung nocht die Standartseite, die kommen sollte - es kommt die Startseite der Page. An was liegt das? Ich habe im Formular keine eigenen OK-Seiten konfiguriert. Als Beispiel für ein Formular das nicht funktioniert.

Das komische ist auch, dass es vor ein paar Tagen noch funktioniert hat?

Posted: Sat 26. Feb 2005, 12:51
by Pappnase

i test it! and it works fine i get an success standard page!

Posted: Sat 26. Feb 2005, 13:11
by thebadflo
hmmm thanks. then it must be my pc! :evil:

Posted: Wed 18. May 2005, 09:38
by dastel
i 've got the same problems with one of my side's and i don't think it have to do somthing with the local PC. I've tested it from several PC's and locations, and allways the same problems. first time side send me back to index.php, next time form runs. If somone knows help please contact me.

Perhaps not only phpwcms Prob !

Posted: Wed 18. May 2005, 10:09
by juergen
Hello !

Got also some trouble with the smtp messages. This may be also reasonable from the server and not from the cms-mailer. Now - using the dev version- i have the newer build in contact form and everytime i'm testing it ... it's still alive. :-)

There is one point: Its putting back a copy of the form to the sender, so that it is also in his control if the form was working. Thats very important, cause I do entering to a european amateur radio event on this site...

Nevertheless ... i use an external mailer for contact only works, and its working without any known problem for several months.

As well ... with the old one (in the rc 4) i recognized some different behavior... once working with redirection ok, next day ... Nil !

In my opinion ... the price you have to pay for very cheap sites :?

The dev Version form (not inside rc 4), without any known problems:

While testing it, i recognized there is safer work when the redirection of succesfull mailing ist TEXT only. With a link in it i got problems. The redirection for false content is working well.

phpwcms ... THE BEST ! :idea: