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Fehler nach Installation 1.2.1

Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:00
by Buster

ich habe nun auf zwei verschiedenen Servern die 1.2.1 DEV installiert und erhalte folgende "Fehler"


Code: Select all

ersion',$mozv[1]); $this->_set_browser('maj_ver',$match[1]); $this->_set_browser('min_ver',$match[2]); $this->_set_browser('letter_ver',$match[3]); } } } elseif($this->is('b:'.$this->_get_short_name('mozilla'))) { // this is probably a netscape browser or compatible $this->_set_browser('long_name','netscape'); $this->_set_browser('browser',$this->_get_short_name('netscape')); } } /** * @access private */ function _set_browser ($k,$v) { $this->_browser_info[strtolower($k)] = strtolower($v); } /** * @access private */ function _set_feature ($k) { $this->_feature_set[strtolower($k)] = !$this->_feature_set[strtolower($k)]; } /** * @access private */ function _set_quirk ($k) { $this->_quirks[strtolower($k)] = true; } } ?>
Selber Fehler mit Firefox 1.0 und IE 6 :(
Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen ?


Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:03
by Pappnase

mehr gibt er nicht aus!?
hat denn die installation geklappt!?

Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:04
by brans
bei mir besteht da absolut kein Problem, du hast also ziemlich sicher bei der INstallation irgendwas falsch gemacht. Liegt die login.php sicher in einem Ordner, in dem php interpretiert wird ?

Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:05
by pico
if you mean the Login on I can't see any Problem

where are this Errors shown :?:

Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:06
by Buster
Hallo Pappnase,

der Text erscheint über dem normalen Login.
Wenn ich die Admindaten eingebe (die natürlich korrekt in der Tabelle stehen ;) )
Erhalte ich noch:

Code: Select all

ersion',$mozv[1]); $this->_set_browser('maj_ver',$match[1]); $this->_set_browser('min_ver',$match[2]); $this->_set_browser('letter_ver',$match[3]); } } } elseif($this->is('b:'.$this->_get_short_name('mozilla'))) { // this is probably a netscape browser or compatible $this->_set_browser('long_name','netscape'); $this->_set_browser('browser',$this->_get_short_name('netscape')); } } /** * @access private */ function _set_browser ($k,$v) { $this->_browser_info[strtolower($k)] = strtolower($v); } /** * @access private */ function _set_feature ($k) { $this->_feature_set[strtolower($k)] = !$this->_feature_set[strtolower($k)]; } /** * @access private */ function _set_quirk ($k) { $this->_quirks[strtolower($k)] = true; } } ?>
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/web16/html/cms/include/inc_ext/phpsniff/phpSniff.class.php:917) in /home/www/web16/html/cms/login.php on line 165


Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:12
by pico
Looks like that there is somthing wrong in login.php - missing Braket or something like this :roll:

Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:15
by Buster
dacht ich auch, habs aber nicht gefunden :(

Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:16
by Pappnase

then extract the login.php from a zipfile an reupload the login.php

Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:18
by pico
after a search of the Code output in all Files, I found this Code in include/inc_ext/phpsniff/phpSniff.class.php Line 880

did you change something there ? just upload this File again

Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:21
by Buster
DANKE, habe noch die ss_image.class. neu hoch geladen und jetzt funztz :)


Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 08:25
by pico
unpack all a again with WINZIP maybe there was something going wrong by unzipping the Files or by uploading - I use after much trouble with other Programs CuteFTP

Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 09:45
by brans
I have never had any problem with smartftp.

Posted: Fri 25. Feb 2005, 11:07
by Buster
Hey brans,

I often got problems with smartftp ...
Mostly with the chmod.
