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frontend menu status not taking affect

Posted: Wed 23. Feb 2005, 03:53
by gogoguerilla
After upgrading to 1.2.1-DEV, my "Hide" option for the site root no longer takes affect and therefore has a nasty impact on my site design.

Is there a way to make sure that the site root level page (in my case "Home") is not seen?


Posted: Wed 23. Feb 2005, 04:30
by Ben
I just tested it and you are correct, you cannot hide the site root from the sitemap. Please clarify where you are trying to hide the root from - is it nav or sitemap? If I'm using {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN} for the main navigation of the site, then I usually name the root something similar to what the site is called and add home as a subpage. Then, I add an article to the root that re-directs visitors to the home page. Maybe this will help you.

Posted: Wed 23. Feb 2005, 04:39
by gogoguerilla
I am having the problem in {NAV_ROW}.

In the previous version of phpwcms, it would hide the site root level all together so that the menu is simply the pages that I want (all the pages below the root). I don't want a home/welcome/etc link because the users just click the site logo.

Example: - w/out the "home" item, the menu would start at "about us".



Posted: Wed 23. Feb 2005, 09:44
by Pappnase

did you chnge something!?
cos at the docu site in the replacment tag overview i have also {NAV_ROW:CURRENT:0} in an preview and there it works :-)