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OK - here is my 2nd site with phpWCMS...

Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 16:44
by cyaneo
this is a site for a friend - I'm not really happy about, but he also wanted a "blue-rounded" design... :)

The site has css redirect for IE 6.x and Opera 7 and use 2 templates and different styles for german and english.

The site is not complete for now (not 100% clean XHTML code and not tableless at all), but I'm proud about the creation of a working multilanguage, multi styled site.
Easy from scratch!!!

:!: phpWCMS - the best, amazing CMS I've ever had!!:!:

Made with phpWCMS 1.2.1DEV.

Posted: Thu 24. Feb 2005, 09:11
by brans
looks really great!

Posted: Thu 24. Feb 2005, 09:36
by Rainer G
Very nice the site!

Good design, not the standard design (like :-).

Posted: Fri 4. Mar 2005, 02:52
by cyaneo
Thank you for your praise!

Make's me feel I'm on the right way!

Posted: Sun 6. Mar 2005, 18:48
by Sheila
Very clean and appealing site, cyaneo. I like the way you integrated all the different parts -- they feel like they belong together.

One problem I noticed is that the English translations have some errors, and I got switched from English to German when I opened the gallery.

Posted: Sun 6. Mar 2005, 21:18
by spirelli
Do you really have to justify text!? You get really ugly gaps inbetween words on your otherwise nice site. Align left instead. Example:

'Imprint' is the wrong word for what you want to say! ... ht=imprint

Add padding: 15px; or similar to your body in the print_layout.css.

International phone numbers are correctly written like +49 621 1234-0 (as per DIN). I would say you could also go for something like +49 (0)172 4254375, but you definately have too many brackets there at the moment. ... g_faq.html

As Sheila says, the English translation is not very good.

Posted: Sun 6. Mar 2005, 22:24
by cyaneo
Sheila wrote:and I got switched from English to German when I opened the gallery
After a huge hack of the singapore gallery now it works - thank you for the hint!
spirelli wrote:'Imprint' is the wrong word for what you want to say!
I changed this to "About Us" - I think this fits best (didn't know these many discussions about this) - Thank you!
spirelli wrote:Add padding: 15px; or similar to your body in the print_layout.css.
This already was done, but with 15 15 15 15 instead of 15px 15px 15px 15px - now corrected.
Sheila wrote:One problem I noticed is that the English translations have some errors
spirelli wrote:International phone numbers are correctly written like +49 621 1234-0 (as per DIN). I would say you could also go for something like +49 (0)172 4254375, but you definately have too many brackets there at the moment.
Yes I see - I will call back the siteowner (the content texts wasn't my part ...) to correct this...

Helpfull community here - Thank you all!

Posted: Sun 6. Mar 2005, 23:30
by spirelli
cyaneo wrote:
spirelli wrote:Add padding: 15px; or similar to your body in the print_layout.css.
This already was done, but with 15 15 15 15 instead of 15px 15px 15px 15px - now corrected.
Hmmm, your phpwcms_template/inc_css/print_layout.css file still shows

Code: Select all

body {
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
	font-size: 10px;
	margin: 15 15 15 15;
	width : 500px;
Well what I am on about is that after clicking the 'print' icon the windoe that opens has no margin at all, which dies not look that nice. It's only a cosmetic thing, but allowing for a margin/padding would bring the print preview in line with your otherwise very nice design.


Posted: Sun 6. Mar 2005, 23:31
by wolfjack
cyaneo wrote:
Sheila wrote:and I got switched from English to German when I opened the gallery
After a huge hack of the singapore gallery now it works - thank you for the hint!
Good work, really.. I like it.. so I went to ur gallery:
The requested URL /sgalerie/Enduro_Touren_Kreta_Galerie02/ was not found on this server.

Under construction?

Posted: Sun 6. Mar 2005, 23:37
by cyaneo
The singapore gallery supports mod_rewrite and I try to get it running at this time. I already post the troubles here

No matter, what I try - still doesn't work... :(

sorry for this...