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article listing

Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 10:00
by aborre
I searched the forum and did'nt find a solution, wich works for me. I think this should be quite simple, but I can't figure it out. :oops:
I simply want summarytext and a teaser picture to be shown in the resp. articlelist/link. Top article count in admin is set to = 1.
My template settings are set to "default", but it does'nt work with "sample-template" either.



Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 10:02
by Pappnase

did you add an summrytext to your articles!?

Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 10:15
by aborre
Yes, of course, I have


Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 10:18
by Pappnase

use the sample template.
and then the second queszion wich release did you use!?

Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 10:25
by aborre
I also does'nt work with "sample-template"
I use 1.2.1

Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 10:34
by Pappnase
please disable the cache function into the and try it again!

Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 11:56
by aborre
Cache is set to = 0.
Same result with both templates (default and sample) with IEE as well as Firefox


btw.: Thank you for your quick answers! :)

Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 12:05
by Pappnase

sorry but don't know where the error is at mine 1.2.1 installation (docu site) all works fine.
how many articles you have in this structure!? you need to have more then one. if there is only one it won't work also.

Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 12:32
by aborre
Yes, i had only one article in the sitestructure, the listing was referring to.
But now I have two articles in there and there is no effect.

Do I have to change some settings in templatefiles? Perhaps I should look if my ftp worked well during installation? I will do that.

But perhaps anybody else also has an idea ?!
