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{SEARCH} Replacement Tag

Posted: Wed 7. Jan 2004, 13:17
by sunflare
What about a replacement tag for the search function?
It would simply do something like this (like in thread )

Code: Select all


<form action="###search_input_action:444###" method="post">
<input name="###search_input_field###" type="text" size="10" maxlength="200" value="###search_input_value###" style="font-size:10px; width:75px;"> <input type="submit" value="Go" style="font-size:10px;">
And if you're not glad about it you can change look and feel via the conf.templ.php (like {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN})

Posted: Wed 7. Jan 2004, 14:12
by frold
the only problem is if someone want to use a images as the search button or have a different text on the search button, but then they could use a the search form and a phpwcms newbie could use the replacement tag ;-)

Posted: Wed 7. Jan 2004, 15:46
by sunflare
like I said:
the look and feel should be in
It's a nice and easy way to change layout.

Posted: Wed 7. Jan 2004, 16:24
by frold
sunflare wrote:like I said:
the look and feel should be in
It's a nice and easy way to change layout.
Ahh I see... :-D

Posted: Thu 8. Jan 2004, 08:48
by Oliver Georgi
Yes, possible ;-) - sometimes....

Posted: Wed 28. Apr 2004, 05:57
by eglwolf
Is there a replacement tag for the search function? What can the site search be set up, I have read some posts in the fourms ( but the PHPBB search functions sucks everytime I search for things, I get like 100 unrelated forum posts, so it is hard to search and actually find what you want in the forums.

Posted: Wed 28. Apr 2004, 08:29
by Oliver Georgi
No, there is no replacement tag for search - and there is no need for it - in my eyes.


Posted: Sat 19. Jun 2004, 05:05
by 1996 328ti
This is probably far fetched but. . .
I have a phpBB forum on my WCMS site.
Is it possible to include phpBB in the search?

Posted: Sat 19. Jun 2004, 09:36
by Oliver Georgi
Not as default.


Posted: Fri 13. Aug 2004, 07:41
by Will
Oliver Georgi wrote:No, there is no replacement tag for search - and there is no need for it - in my eyes.

Hi Oliver, thanks for this damn good thing!!! :)

Could you explain why you don't see the need of this RT???

What if you want to include a little search box in a side bar? not just into a document.

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Fri 13. Aug 2004, 08:05
by Oliver Georgi
this is possible - check forum. There are some replacement tags for having such "external" search form.

Or create one by using the search function and copy the source.


Posted: Fri 13. Aug 2004, 14:20
by Will
Oh, sure... I meant to say... as an easy and straighforward way to do it: A la phpWCMS so to speak... Not a workaround.

Anyway... Ionly have a bunch of days using phpWCMS... perhaps I still need to play with it a bit longer.

Thanks for your answer,

Posted: Fri 13. Aug 2004, 16:00
by Oliver Georgi
but this is nearly not possible (at the moment) - there is a replacement tag for search form action and the serach field

Most time people want to use a custom serach forms if outside in another place than the main content section.

Here is a sample (result looks like this - right column)

Code: Select all

<form action="###search_input_action:10###" method="post" name="kuenstlersuche" target="_self">
<table width="160" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  <td><input name="search_input_field" type="text" id="search_input_field" size="20" style="width: 120px" value="###search_input_value###" title="Nutzen Sie Platzhalterzeichen (*/?)"></td>
  <td align="right"><input type="image" src="img/rondo/button/suchen.gif" alt="Senden" width="35" height="17" border="0"></td>