ImageMagick - Safe_Mode ON

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ImageMagick - Safe_Mode ON

Post by perdy »


First of all: Thank you, Oliver, for this great cms,
and thanks to all of you for this fantastic forum :D

I run phpwcms on a host with Linux, apache_1.3.33, PHP Version 4.3.10 and Safe_Mode ON
ImageMagick 6 is also at the webhost.

Everything runs great, except I would like ImageMagick to work, and from my search in this forum the conclusion seems to be: Safe_Mode ON - no ImageMagick...

But in an early thread: Oliver writes this:
Oliver Georgi wrote:SAFE_MODE problems

OK here is a little solution:

1) look what user/group the new created directory in phpwcms_filestorage has

2) look for your "open_basedir". This must set to the user/group of the directory that phpwcms has created when you have tried to upload a file. The phpwcms_ftp directory must set to the same user/group.

3) set all directories (1, 2, 3...) inside phpwcms_filestorage to the user/group that these have which you have uploaded via FTP.

This helps in a way that you can upload files via webbrowser and ftp for ftp takeover. You will need a "safe_mode_exec_dir" to start ImageMagick.

But maybe this helps you start working with phpwcms. You can use images with replacement tags.

My provider has given me this information, when I requested the path to ImageMagick:
safe_mode_exec_dir: /usr/local/php/bin

I have tried to set the right data in the, but it dosn't work. I can make thumbnails with GD2, but when I enable ImageMagick I can't..

Anybody who can help me..?

- Per
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