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Posted: Tue 6. Jan 2004, 17:23
by Pappnase
Hello Oliver

is this an bug!? Cos if i want create an template the print_layout is set to default!?


Posted: Thu 8. Jan 2004, 08:58
by Oliver Georgi
is the fontend.css not in dir?

Posted: Thu 8. Jan 2004, 11:45
by Pappnase
it is but the first what would be shown is the printlayout.
it looke like the printlayout would be set as default.


Posted: Thu 8. Jan 2004, 12:49
by Oliver Georgi
Hm on my server it is frontend.css :?:

Posted: Thu 8. Jan 2004, 12:53
by pSouper
i think that is Olivers way of saying.. you have been plainyg with it ;)

Posted: Thu 8. Jan 2004, 13:51
by Pappnase

don't understand!


Posted: Fri 9. Jan 2004, 01:18
by DeXXus
Confirm this in "include/inc_tmpl/admin.templates.tmpl.php" :

Code: Select all

// get css file list
if(is_dir(".".$phpwcms["templates"]."inc_css")) {
	$css_handle = opendir( ".".$phpwcms["templates"]."inc_css" );
	while($css_file = readdir( $css_handle )) {
   		if( $css_file != "." && $css_file != ".." && preg_match('/(\.css)$/', strtolower($css_file)) ) {
			echo '<option value="'.$css_file.'"';
			echo ($css_file == $template["css"]) ? " selected" : "";
			echo '>'.$css_file."</option>\n";
	closedir( $css_handle );


Posted: Fri 9. Jan 2004, 07:57
by Oliver Georgi
This is maybe on what time the files where created on disk - and that seems to define the order in list.