[Solved] GD2 problems, rollover images

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[Solved] GD2 problems, rollover images

Post by blackraven »


the following error message appeared at "rollover images" under GD2:

Warning: imagecreatetruecolor(): Invalid image dimensions in /www/usr10860/fob-medien.de/htdocs/fob/cms/include/inc_ext/hft_image/hft_image.php on line 248
GD2 is installed, function ImageCreateTruecolor() exists, but image is not created
Warning: imagecolorallocate(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /www/usr10860/fob-medien.de/htdocs/fob/cms/include/inc_ext/hft_image/hft_image.php on line 251
GD2 is installed, function ImageCreateTruecolor() exists, but image is not created
Warning: imagefill(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /www/usr10860/fob-medien.de/htdocs/fob/cms/include/inc_ext/hft_image/hft_image.php on line 252
GD2 is installed, function ImageCreateTruecolor() exists, but image is not created

This error appears when the field "max. height" doesn't have a value and and the field "border" has a value > 0 (under "large reference image"). As soon as you put a value (> 0) into this field, the pictures are generated without problems.

By the way: This field can remain empty under IMAGEMAGICK, no errors will appear.

[Gelöst] GD2-Probleme, Bilderwechsel

Die obige Fehlermeldung trat bei "Bilderwechsel" unter GD2 auf.

Dieser Fehler tritt dann auf, wenn unter "Großes Referenzbild" im Feld "Rand" ein Wert größer 0 eingetragen wird und das Feld "max. Höhe" keinen Wert hat. Sobald man in dieses Feld einen Wert ( > 0 ) einträgt, werden die Bilder problemlos generiert.

Übrigens: Unter IMAGEMAGICK kann dieses Feld leer bleiben, es treten trotzdem keine Fehler auf.


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