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Better statistics?

Posted: Thu 10. Feb 2005, 22:45
by Gnolen
Did anyone find a way to incorparate an other statmodule then VTS?

Just some statisticsscript that works just to put in some php-code. I have tried with which I love but it doesn't allow me to put in a snippet into phpwcms.

Anyone know which one that works? Because I find VTS statistics just a mess and no real stats.

Thanks / Gnolen

Posted: Thu 10. Feb 2005, 23:34
by Pappnase

look for the pphlogger ;-)

Posted: Thu 10. Feb 2005, 23:43
by Jérôme
I am using BBClone on almost every web page I have created (phpwcms, MT, Drupal, b2, Wordpress, etc.) and it works like a charm.

- Jérôme

Posted: Thu 10. Feb 2005, 23:46
by frold
Jérôme wrote:I am using BBClone on almost every web page I have created (phpwcms, MT, Drupal, b2, Wordpress, etc.) and it works like a charm.

- Jérôme
wauw could be a cool phpwcms mod ;-)

Posted: Thu 10. Feb 2005, 23:49
by rk
Jérôme wrote:I am using BBClone
On which way did you include it in phpwcms?

A new mod would be very nice :-).

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 00:03
by Jérôme
You folks and your MODs :). I will look what I can do - should not be too difficult, I guess... I hope. Well :).

I suppose it will be a replacement tag and a link in the menu to the normal bbclone interface. Give me time.

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 00:08
by Gnolen
Hey cool Jerome!!

How did you include the normal php code? If I try now the bbclone says that I can't put a snippet like that because it is a CMS..

Also tried to include it via a separate file without success...

Please tell us - I love my bbclone!


/ Gnolen

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 00:22
by Jérôme
In the first step, I have included the bbclone-snipped in my index.php. I just pasted the code in front of the DOCTYPE declaration, e.g.:

Code: Select all

define("_BBC_PAGE_NAME", "Generic Pagename");
define("_BBCLONE_DIR", "/web/www/html/bbclone/");
define("COUNTER", _BBCLONE_DIR."mark_page.php");
if (is_readable(COUNTER)) include_once(COUNTER);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
This way, I have at least all page counts and all information about my visitors - I have no precise information on which pages they have been, but the rest.

Crazy, huh? :)

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 00:27
by cyrano
It's crazy , just give you a word and you have done a whole sentence - impressive jérôme. yeah! :-)

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 01:11
by Gnolen
Make sence J. but it didn't work for me...The bbclone works and the path is right but still zero!

I did it like:

Code: Select all

$content['page_start']  = '
define("_BBC_PAGE_NAME", "Test");
define("_BBCLONE_DIR", "bbclone/");
define("COUNTER", _BBCLONE_DIR."mark_page.php");
if (is_readable(COUNTER)) include_once(COUNTER);

	<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">';

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 01:18
by Jérôme
As I see now (I have compared with the current release which you seem to use, too) things have changed since v1.2 ;). So it seems not to be so easy as before. I will have to look at it, sorry that I can't tell you more.

I see that you use a relative path for your _BBCLONE_DIR - try to put in there the absolute path (e.g. /usr/www/web1/html/bbclone/) - I remember that I hade similar problems and this did it for me...

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 01:35
by Gnolen
Thanks J.

I tried perfect path and the snippet comes before the doctype in the generated code. But still nothing..

I'll try again tomorrow - time to sleep..zzz

Glad that someone else are hocked on bbclone! It is really the best one, includive the big db-based ones!

Greetings from Gnolen

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 02:13
by Jérôme
Have you turned on the bbclone debug output to see what it gives you?

(I have just installed phpwcms 1.1.9 on my server and will go to bed now, too. More to come tomorrow)

Sleepy greetings
- Jérôme

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 10:52
by Gnolen
The debug is on and normally if the script reacte at all it always show something from the debug function - but here nothing. I have tried and the bbclone(& the debug) is fully working...


Good luck with the dev version - it is cool!

/ Gnolen

Posted: Fri 11. Feb 2005, 17:17
by Gnolen
Pappnasse...Did you succesfully integrated the phlogger in phpwcms? Or does it have the same problem as for the bbclone? Which I by the way have tried to integrate as hell today with out good result! :cry:

/ Gnolen