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Phpwcms v1.1.9

Posted: Sat 5. Feb 2005, 16:49
by coopersred
I've just installed phpwcms v1.1.9 and I'm really impressed.

The content anywhere feature is something I've wanted for ages. Great work. I'm even going to donate you some cash.

How close to final is phpwcms v1.1.9.

I want to roll it out for a site I'm doing for some people and I rather start with phpwcms v1.1.9 than the earlier version. Will I be able to use it and keep updating it, as bugs are found and fixed, with patches. Or should I wait?

I guess I wondering what's your estimation for a release of version 2 - weeks or a few months?

Posted: Sat 5. Feb 2005, 16:55
by brans
hi coopersred,

I remember a posting by OG where he was saying that it was
very easy to update vom 1.1.9 to any future version. Another
thing he added somewhen was, that it was much harder to update
from RC4.
1.1.9 is very stable but there is not everything working yet.
Check this threat by frold for any recent update.



Posted: Sat 5. Feb 2005, 17:03
by spirelli

Posted: Sat 5. Feb 2005, 17:05
by coopersred

phpwcms v1.1.9 it is then.

Thanks for a quick responce.

Posted: Sat 5. Feb 2005, 21:07
by Karla
brans wrote:hi coopersred,

I remember a posting by OG where he was saying that it was
very easy to update vom 1.1.9 to any future version. Another
thing he added somewhen was, that it was much harder to update
from RC4.
1.1.9 is very stable but there is not everything working yet.
Check this threat by frold for any recent update.


I ~believe~ OG was trying to say that the upgrade
from "full-version" 1.1-RC4 to "full-version" 2.0...
"will be more easy than upgrading from 1.1-RC4 to DEV release ":

Posted: Sat 5. Feb 2005, 21:20
by spirelli
:lol: :lol: :lol:

well, my understanding is even different:
As Oliver answerd the question:
Also, is it planned to create an easy upgrade path from dev 1.1.9 to v2.0?
I would say he meant that
"Upgrading (from dev 1.1.9) to v2 will be more easy than upgrading from 1.1-RC4 to DEV release"

Note: It does not say anything about the difficulty or ease to update from 1.1-RC4 to v 2.0

Posted: Sat 5. Feb 2005, 22:00
by Karla
Karla wrote:I ~believe~ OG was trying to say that the upgrade
from "full-version" 1.1-RC4 to "full-version" 2.0...
"will be more easy than upgrading from 1.1-RC4 to DEV release ":
Well, if the above is ~not~ the case...
then the -=MAJORITY=- of users and sites would face the MOST difficulty in changing over...
and that is not a very ~LIKELY~ scenario for OG to allow :wink:

I'm sure he will have us all covered :D