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Image Buttons anstelle von CSS Rollover im Menü

Posted: Wed 2. Feb 2005, 22:05
by amadeus

ich hab hier im forum noch keine antwort gefunden.
vieleicht kann mir ja jemand weiterhelfen.

ich möchte gern das menü dahingehend verändern das ich ganz normale grafische bilderbuttons habe anstelle des bisherigen ccs rollover.
die grafischen möglichkeiten des css reichen just an der stelle nicht aus.

um das menü zu verändern, muss ich die datei include/inc_conf/
anpassen. aber wo und wie? an welcher stelle?

gruß amadeus

Posted: Wed 2. Feb 2005, 22:13
by cyrano
Hi amadeus,

schau mal hier:
// navigation table defaults
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_border"] = "0";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_width"] = "100%";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_height"] = "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_bgcolor"] = "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_bgimage"] = "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_class"] = "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_cspace"] = "0";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_cpad"] = "0";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["space_width"] = 10;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["space_left"] = 7;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["space_right"] = 10;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["space_celltop"] = 2;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["space_cellbottom"] = 2;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_width"] = "100%";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_height"] = "15";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_bgcolor"] = "#FFFFFF";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_bgimage"] = "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_class"] = "nav_table";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_active_width"] = "100%";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_active_height"] = "15";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_active_bgcolor"] = "#EFEFEF";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_active_bgimage"] = "Bild einfügen";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_active_class"] = "nav_table_active";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["js_over_effects"] = 1;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_norm"] = '<img src="img/article/nav_link_0.gif" alt="" border="">';
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_over"] = '<img src="img/article/nav_link_1.gif" alt="" border="">';
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_active"] = '<img src="img/article/nav_link_2.gif" alt="" border="">';
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_norm_bgcolor"] = "#FFFFFF";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_norm_bgimage"] = "Bild einfügen";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_norm_class"] = "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_over_bgcolor"] = "#FFFFFF";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_active_bgcolor"] = "#EFEFEF";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_active_bgimage"] = "Bild einfügen";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_active_class"] = "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_space"] = 1;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_space_bgcolor"] = "#EFEFEF";
Ich habe das eben auch probiert (mit der 1.1.9 DEV Release) aber bekomme wohl aufgrund des cachings probleme und immer andere Kombinationen.


How to set images instead of background colors in menue (NAV_TABLE_COLUMN)?

I marked the places where to link to an imagee file.

I tried it with the 1.1.9 DEV release but got errors - I think of using cache... i turned off cache, but it still happens that i get no rollover working exactly with images...

es klappt leider nicht

Posted: Thu 3. Feb 2005, 11:23
by amadeus

vielen dank für den tip, aber es funktioniert leider nicht.
ich habe an den von dir bezeichneten stellen
'<img src="img/article/menue1.gif" alt="" border="">';
'<img src="img/article/menue2.gif" alt="" border="">';
ich bekomme dann ein normales link menü ohne irgendwelche effekte
und einen haufen fehlermeldungen.

irgend jemand noch eine idee?
ich benutze die version Release 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004

danke amadeus


thanks for the tip, but it doesn't work.
on the red marked places i have inserted the code like
'<img src="img/article/menue1.gif" alt="" border="">';
'<img src="img/article/menue2.gif" alt="" border="">';
i get a normal link menue without any styles
and many many errormessages.
anybody have a idea?
i used the version Release 1.1-RC4 27-08-2004

thanks amadeus

Posted: Thu 3. Feb 2005, 11:28
by cyrano
hi amadeus,

no IMG src just "img/article/nameofpic.gif"


Posted: Thu 3. Feb 2005, 16:02
by amadeus
hi cyrano,

thanks for your answer, it works but...
i make it like your example

now i have no error messages but the look of the menue is not so okay. the image has only changed i click the menue item. no hover picture is visible. normal is visible, on click is visible, but no hover picture.

second prob. i don't have think about it. the menue item, for example "home" starts on the left border, the picture also. i need that the word "home" from the menue starts ca. 5 mm away from the left border of the picture.
any idea?

regards amadeus

Posted: Thu 3. Feb 2005, 16:06
by pico
take a look at the List above - ther are some more Lines for Images

table_bgimage, cell_bgimage ...

Posted: Mon 7. Feb 2005, 20:01
by cyrano

have you recogniced a difference between IE and Firefox using images in navigation?
i see the images in Firefox, but not in IE.

using version 27.8.94 and 1.1.9 dev.