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multiple installations - can I just copy directory?

Posted: Sun 4. Jan 2004, 16:14
by sallam

I know that the software does not support multiple websites run from same installation. But its no big deal since the installtion file size is amazingly small (1.5MB?)

I was wondering, because I'll need to make about a 100 installation (I run a free subdomain hosting service and my clients - mostly newbies - need an easy CMS to use for creating webpages): can I just copy the installation directory and paste it 100 times, to each new subdomain? (a cPanel can do that in a few seconds each) and only create new databases for each? instead of going through the install process for each one of the 100?

If that is possible, what file(s) should I edit in each copy, for the database connection, admin login, and stuff like that?

Posted: Sun 4. Jan 2004, 18:48
by pSouper
Thats exactly it. just copy the install folder and edit the to reflect the directory structure and database name for that indivitdual site.

wwwroot/site01/index.php etc > database = phpwcmsDataBasesite01
wwwroot/site02/index.php etc > database = phpwcmsDataBasesite02
wwwroot/site03/index.php etc > database = phpwcmsDataBasesite03

edit to reflect the dir structure and values.

you will database for each site as well as run the table install script and create the admin user - all of which can be done with PHPmyAdmin.
i don't think the table setup scrit includes a default user/password for admin purposes so you may find it easier to amend the tables script to include this too.

Posted: Sun 4. Jan 2004, 21:07
by Oliver Georgi
This works like pSouper has described to you:

All you have to edit is the This can be easily done by writing your own setup script - have a look into the setup folder. There is everything inside for creating a customized And you can extend the setup.php for your needs - running it against your host database and setting user/pass/email/path by using values from there.

There is no default user/pass for phpwcms in setup.sql - so this gives you the possibilty to set this for users account defaults too.

If you need help, please ask. This would be a good additional feature.
