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CSS Datei wird nicht berücksichtigt

Posted: Fri 28. Jan 2005, 13:40
by Zielgruppe
Hallo alle,
ich habe das Tutorial von Pepperkorn durchgespielt und erziele auch ein fast perfektes Ergebnis - leider werden jedoch alle Schriften als Times New Roman dargestellt - ich vermute einfach mal, dass die CSS Datei nicht gelesen wird oder falsch eingebunden ist.

Was kann ich da falsch gemacht haben?

Hello all,
I followed the directions in the pepperkorn tutorial and the result is nearly perfect, except of the font layout. All text is displayed as Times New Roman.
I suppose that the css file can't be read or is integrated in a wrong way.

What have I done wrong?

Posted: Fri 28. Jan 2005, 14:50
by Pappnase

das kann sein das du vielleicht etwas falsch in der css deklariert hast oder anhand fehlender rechte!

Posted: Fri 28. Jan 2005, 14:57
by Zielgruppe
Pappnase wrote:das kann sein das du vielleicht etwas falsch in der css deklariert hast oder anhand fehlender rechte!
Halle Pappnase, die Rechte stehen (wie im Tutorial angegeben) auf 666.
In der CSS Datei selber war ich nicht drin und ich finde dort auch nur Hinweise auf Helvetica und Arial.

So was nun?

(PS: Ich habe meine Frage Deinem Vorschlag entsprechend übersetzt)


The file attribute of the css file is 666 (as recommended in the tutorial). I haven't edited the css file yet, and there just definitions using Arial and Helvetiva in it.

Posted: Fri 28. Jan 2005, 16:15
by Pappnase

are all pathes right!? could you use the whole system without any errors!?

Posted: Sat 29. Jan 2005, 19:35
by Zielgruppe
Yes - everything except of the styles is ok

Posted: Sat 29. Jan 2005, 19:40
by cyrano
hi please have a look to your template - perhaps changed to print.css when using scrolling mouse?

Posted: Sat 29. Jan 2005, 19:43
by update
perhaps it is something simple like a wrong tuning in your browser? In Frefox e.g. you can check "always use my fonts" and you will never see any css driven fonts...
Just my 1 eurocent


Posted: Sat 29. Jan 2005, 19:47
by Zielgruppe
Hi Claus,
TNX but the style don't work on three machines with three different browser(versions) and three different operating systems

Some new ideas?

Posted: Sat 29. Jan 2005, 19:54
by Zielgruppe

Thanx for all your ideas, I've fixed the bug. The problem was a general rights setting done by the provider. (The next problem will soon come)


Posted: Mon 31. Jan 2005, 08:47
by Rudi

got the same problem. What are the general settings that have to be changed? Maybe I can solve this problem also. Thanks.

Posted: Mon 31. Jan 2005, 12:27
by Zielgruppe
Hi Rudi,

I assume the your problem is caused by a wrong rights setting in the file attributes ob the path to the frontend.css. Your browser can't access the frontend.css file.

First try if you can access it directly by typing the correct URL in the adress field of your browser. (i.e. ... ontend.css)

If the result is "403 forbidden" try to change the file AND folder rights in the above mentioned file-path.

Hope that Helps,

Posted: Mon 31. Jan 2005, 14:25
by Rudi
Hi Zielgruppe,

that is exactly the solution I was looking for. Yes, it works.
Thanks a lot. :D