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Calendar Modul_Language

Posted: Thu 27. Jan 2005, 10:20
by petsta

working on my page I tried out the CalendarModul fron 'ionrock'. Everthing
works and also looks fine but i can't find a way to get the month in German-
only English language. Does anybody have some idea? Anybody else working with 'ionrock's' CalendarModul?



Posted: Thu 27. Jan 2005, 10:55
by frold
I know there will be released a new version of it.

See more here:

maybe you can wait until it done....?

Posted: Thu 27. Jan 2005, 14:28
by missberli
Hi petsta,

I simply have changed the english month names to numbers 1-12:

Search in calendar.classes.php for:

Code: Select all

$monthname = date("F Y", mktime(0,0,0, $month, 1, $year));

Code: Select all

$monthname = date("F Y", strtotime("$month/15/$year"));
and change the F to m.

There must be a way to change local settings with setlocale, but I don't know PHP :(


Posted: Thu 27. Jan 2005, 18:39
by ionrock
We are working on making the changes. You will be able to customize things a bit more and have multiple language packs.

Posted: Thu 27. Jan 2005, 19:35
by frold
ionrock wrote:We are working on making the changes. You will be able to customize things a bit more and have multiple language packs.
Now Im looking even more forward to it :D

Posted: Thu 27. Jan 2005, 20:04
by petsta
Thank you folks. Everything sounds good. I'll first try the 'month-numbers'
idea from missberli that I didn't have :oops: and wait for the new version.



Posted: Mon 14. Feb 2005, 15:30
by Seppe
thanks for your answers.
with the option that you change the language i can wait. :D