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A real image-button behind the navigation text in the menu?

Posted: Tue 25. Jan 2005, 18:53
by Moozie
I would like to replace the current javascript rollover in the navigation menu with a real button (image) as background. Instead of a color. The little rollover image that comes in front of the menutext may disappear, I don't need that than anymore.

The new button could be a rollover button that changes color or so when mouse over. But that's step 2. First I would like a self made button behind the text in the menu.

Is there a way, or is it allready discussed here (i can not find it), to place a image of a rounded button bahind the text? I do not mean making it yourself, but integrated in the CMS?



Posted: Tue 25. Jan 2005, 19:04
by spirelli
That's where the tabel menue is in the code. Maybe that helps.