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Posted: Mon 24. Jan 2005, 23:14
by ederhj

ich habe einen Hack - vielleicht nimmst du ihn ja in deine nächste Version auf - für das Guestbook erstellt. Mit diesem Hack ist es möglich, dass Einträge ins Gästebuch erst nach Freigabe durch den Admin auf der Seite angezeigt wird (mit EMail-Benachrichtigung an Admin bzw. an Person).


Könntest dies ja irgendwie im Forum angeben!

Hans-Jürgen Eder

P.S.: Auf Feeback würde ich mich freuen!

Posted: Tue 25. Jan 2005, 00:41
by frold
I just paste this in, so we also have english desciption...

Good job: ederhj!
## Content Part "GUESTBOOK" Hack by iP-e (Hans-Jürgen Eder)
## Description: This "hack" (I hope this "hack" will be included in the next versions)
## enhances the original GUESTBOOK in the way, that it can be administrated.
## That means, that the guestbook-entry is at first not shown so that the
## site administrator is able to release the entry or to delete the entry.
## It is also possible that the site administrator gets an email, if an entry
## is made. And if the admin releases the entry, the person who made the entry
## gets an email that the entry is released.

Posted: Tue 25. Jan 2005, 10:21
by brans
If this will not be included it is certainly worth to publish it at the add-on section on ...

Is it ok for you if we publish it there ?

Posted: Thu 27. Jan 2005, 20:01
by ederhj
brans wrote:If this will not be included it is certainly worth to publish it at the add-on section on ...

Is it ok for you if we publish it there ?

Yes, for sure, it's ok!


Posted: Tue 22. Feb 2005, 08:53
by cyaneo
Hey - great MOD, man! :o

This was exactly needed!

Thank you!

Nice work

Posted: Wed 23. Feb 2005, 19:48
by fkeiner
Good job, works fine!



Posted: Wed 23. Feb 2005, 23:31
by marco
Thjis is great, would it be possible to have the hacked (edited) version file in a zip to save the individual edits?

Also, is there any easy way to make both e-mails optional,
something like a checkbox?

Ideally the old/new guestbook entries would be listed in the back-end with an edit icon and a "publish" checkbox next to them and could be released that way. This would eliminate receiving a lot of e-mails if there are a lot of guestbook entries and also allow to easily edit/release the entires.

Posted: Thu 24. Feb 2005, 08:58
by brans
Hi marco, if you have enhanced this hack, then feel free to save it in a .php.txt file and post it in an attachment to:

Posted: Thu 24. Feb 2005, 14:30
by marco
brans wrote:Hi marco, if you have enhanced this hack, then feel free to save it in a .php.txt file and post it in an attachment to:
I have not tested it yet, but I will send it if I do.

Posted: Fri 14. Oct 2005, 14:54
by pSouper
Hi guys,
any of you have this moderated guestbook working under dev 1.2.5?
I think I have a few issues - it only works while I am logged in as admin.

I have altered the code in a few places as the zip files do not include the new hashed sessions. I think it is very likely to be a sessions issue.

I would really apreciate any help or pointers on what the problem could be.

if anyone has the 1.2.5 working files I'd be happy to accept that short cut too :D

Posted: Fri 14. Oct 2005, 17:02
by pico

turn Cache for this Article/Contentpart Off.

Posted: Fri 14. Oct 2005, 18:19
by pSouper
Thanks Pico
It works perfectly :)
:oops: I must be so jaded by hacks and mods that I had forgoten to apply the basics :oops:

I would no offically like to say 8) cool mod

for anyone wishing to DL the NEW dev 1.2.5 files you may do so here.

...and remember to TURN CACHE OFF!! :)

Posted: Tue 1. Nov 2005, 04:35
by spirelli
This is really great, and I hope it will be part of phpwcms in the future (with slight enhancements).

(Installed and works fine with version 1.2.3)

Posted: Tue 13. Dec 2005, 02:52
by Cyrus
I was interested in implementing this hack on a v1.2.5 and followed these instructions, including turning the cache off.

Obviously something wrong on my end, but I get the following abnormalities.

1. Initially the guestbook appears. When the guestbook is filled, the entry appears in the admin and the user sees a page saying thanks, etc.

2. No email arrives for admin or user.

3. Subsequently, when the guestbook link is clicked again, no guestbook appears !! Only the very first entry if activated.

I have tried to redo the steps a few times, to ensure that I have followed instructions correctly, including clearing the cache, etc., but on each ocaission get the same error steps listed above.

As of now, I have removed the guestbook, but just out of curiosity, wonder if I could get some advice on this.


Posted: Thu 16. Feb 2006, 10:52
by jkn
anyone try this great hack on v1.2.6!???

i have installed v1.2.6-DEV 14.12.2005 and the same problems as Cyrus!!?? no email for the admin arrives and the comment is directly published!??

you can test it here:

thx for your help & sorry for my bad english :oops: !!


p.s. cache is off!