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No copyright mark in source code

Posted: Sat 22. Jan 2005, 00:38
by Carino
Hi Olli,

have a look on:

greets, Carino

Posted: Sat 22. Jan 2005, 01:43
by Jari
One more that don't understand or don't want to follow the GPL rules.

It can be a mistake from the owner of that website, and why I say that is because he/she don't know how many Meta keywords the search engine look for :lol: :lol: Look on the sourse code.

But I think he/she is to stupid and thought no one will se that he/she has removed the Copyright and think he/she has built the app :lol: :lol:

It's actually not fun, someone should be mad!!

Posted: Sat 22. Jan 2005, 13:18
by frold
But I think he/she is to stupid and thought no one will se that he/she has removed the Copyright and think he/she has built the app
if you go to login.php you have all copyrights

Posted: Sat 22. Jan 2005, 17:45
by marco
Actually, he is within his rights. What you see in the browser is a layout, style and content that he created and so he can copyright that. All he is doing is stating that what you see is his copyright, he is not infringing on phpwcms license and copyright.

The CMS only stores the content, layout and style info and serves them to the viewer's browsers. This is equivalent to listening to a copyright song created by an artist, played on a copyright device produced by a manufacturer.

If he were to serve up any content or piece of software created by Oliver, such as the admin panel, then he could not place his copyright on that.

Posted: Sun 23. Jan 2005, 13:14
by Jari
Ok then I can be wrong. Is it ok to remove the the copyrigth:

"phpwcms | open source web content management system

developed by Oliver Georgi (
released under The GNU General Public License
visit project page:

Release: 1.1-RC4 01-05-2004"

from the source code ?

Posted: Sun 23. Jan 2005, 14:14
by bachi
NO, it isn't "OK"

The Copyrights in the Source and in the Backend- Login must be aviable!!!

Posted: Sun 23. Jan 2005, 14:17
by Jari
Thanks for the answer, then I know I was right and Frold and Marco was wrong :wink:

Posted: Sun 23. Jan 2005, 14:25
by frold
Jari wrote:Thanks for the answer, then I know I was right and Frold and Marco was wrong :wink:
well I didnt say it was okay....

What I comment was:
has removed the Copyright and think he/she has built the app
whan saying app I meaning the backend but the backend still have full credit.

Posted: Sun 23. Jan 2005, 14:31
by Jari
Then you missunderstood what I said becuase I as you saw the copyright was there in the backend, it was the source code Copyrigth I meen. :D

But marco did not missunderstand, he thought you can remove the Copyright in the soource code and that is not allowed.

Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 14:49
by wjtaylor
I'm a little confused.... are you talking about the HTML source or the PHP source???


Posted: Mon 21. Feb 2005, 17:13
by Pappnase

we talk about the copyright in the phpwcms source code! :wink:

Posted: Mon 22. Jan 2007, 01:56
by deko
Ok, Im Backend alle Copyright Notizen Müssen bleiben login.php,

Auch Copyright Notice1 im frontend index.php, Notize1 ist also klar bezeichnet und muss bleiben.

Bedeutet das, dass weiter unten im Frontend index.php nach 'page_start' die zweite copyright notize entfernt werden kann?

Weil die o.e Seite diese zweite Notize nicht hat, ist dass ew. erlaubt?

Posted: Mon 22. Jan 2007, 13:34
by spirelli
Ja, kann entfernt werden von index.php.