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Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 00:08
by Pappnase

does anybody knows a good software for createing flashfilms ?
esp. for creating tutorial videos ;-)

would be great if its freeware!

Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 00:13
by cyrano

Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 01:10
by muj

Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 03:49
by Carlos Rocha
Hi Pappnase,

I have now a chance to be useful to you :D

and it's freeware 8)

Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 07:56
by FN-Media
Wink ist genial :-)

Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 10:38
by spirelli
Wow, Pappnase! Does this mean you want to create annimated tutorials for phpwcms?
Just wonder whether that is worth the time, as it seems that your are expanding the docu more and more, and I'm sure people should be fine following that...
Just a thought.

Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 11:45
by frold ... StudioHome

Camtasia Studio 2.1

got free trial.... when I tested it it was very easy to use...

Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 11:51
by frold
spirelli wrote:Wow, Pappnase! Does this mean you want to create annimated tutorials for phpwcms?
Just wonder whether that is worth the time, as it seems that your are expanding the docu more and more, and I'm sure people should be fine following that...
Just a thought.
well annimated tutorials could be a good idea but not for all subjects - but good to give some snapshots of how the phpwcms admin interface looks like. Howto install. Create a article. etc....

But if OG change the layout of phpwcms all tutorials have to be reanimated....

Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 12:08
by Pappnase
spirelli wrote:Wow, Pappnase! Does this mean you want to create annimated tutorials for phpwcms?
Just wonder whether that is worth the time, as it seems that your are expanding the docu more and more, and I'm sure people should be fine following that...
Just a thought.

yes i will do it for some things!
but not for all!

and it will started with the release 2.0

and i need also with the next release renew all screenshots

Posted: Fri 21. Jan 2005, 14:15
by Kosse
Actyually, camtasia si fine, but the logo on the trial version when you export... :cry: For what it does, it is not too expensive and you understand how it works it after 2 minutes.

Otherwise, more or less the same commercial products: Camtasia, Qarbon, Captivate 8)

Though, I tested such progs a while ago and by far (it is not free) the best one was Macromedia Captivate, which is quite logical, because they are the inventors of flash and they bought a while ago Robodemo and now they call it captivate.

If I get my hands on an "evaluation-copy-that-works-just-as-a-real-one" 8) I'll pm you some links :wink:

I linger for lotus camcorder, it was free, windows based and did the job, but IBM has discontinued it :cry: :cry: :cry:

If u have Linux, vcn2swf might interest you
