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gd2 problems

Posted: Sat 3. Jan 2004, 18:21
by pSouper
hello guys,
I have a problem where my phpwcms site treats all image files as regular files i.e: .jpg file is uploaded and no thumbnail is created. I try to create a thumb for it but no error and no thumb. I also try to show the image by clicking on it but it pops up a fileinfo window and the option to download file but no image (or thumb) is displayed as should be.

my simple debug to show paths expected is as follows...

Code: Select all

UserPath: D:\wwwroot/WWW/PSOUP/phpwcms_filestorage/1/ ThumbList: D:\wwwroot/WWW/PSOUP//phpwcms_tmp/thumb_list/ ThumbPreview: D:\wwwroot/WWW/PSOUP//phpwcms_tmp/thumb_preview/ ThumbSufix: _R67F5xefQY
CheckImage: 1
I know ther ere double slahes thier but don't think they affect winxp/iis at all as It shows no effect when I delete them. (long story).

If anyone has a simple gd2_test.php that would let me load an image and disply or make thums of it I'd apreciate it as this would help me PROVE gd2 is working rather than PHPinfo just telling me it's enabled.

thanks in advance for any help recieved.

Posted: Sat 3. Jan 2004, 18:38
by Bijan Hemati
You may want to check your "phpwcms_tmp" folder to see if there are two folders called "thumb_list" and "thumb_preview".

Posted: Sat 3. Jan 2004, 18:51
by pSouper
I have both dirs as you sugested and both are under full control permisions for everyone.

also not forgetting the 'phpwcms_filestorage/[myID]' is too but it's like my website doen't like to show off my lovely pictuers :) in any way shap or form.
remembering that when i click on it to show the pic it flashes a nice big preview window but then shrinks it to a fileinfo window so fast it is like it can't display the image so assumes it's a file.
incedentally - when i click download in the fileinfo window it doesn't save the picture at all it executes it (opens photoshop then imports the picture into it for me to save)

Posted: Sat 3. Jan 2004, 19:15
by pSouper
fixed now - thanks to all you guys who read this: it shows you do care :)

problem was pathing again :( I'm such a spitball.