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Simple but Effective.

Posted: Sun 2. Jan 2005, 04:52
by artmyth
I would be greatful for your experienced criticism on a site about to go live in a week: BMFA

It is an Arts Foundation site, and the design is kept as simple and neutral as possible, to allow the art works to jump out. It will be maintained from the backend by an ever changing contingent of volunteers with limited internet experience.

PHPWCMS seemed like a good solution to their needs, then as i started building it I was blown away with the elegance of the program.

much of the current text is old site content, it will be replaced this week with current articles.

thanks and looking forward to your comments.

Posted: Wed 5. Jan 2005, 14:08
by trip
- change the heading clour from blue to something else, it does not fit
- leave some space between the text and the line on the left, looks cluttered
- you need to look at your css, and change the fonts so that it is consistant.
- the split background looks a little odd...maybe stick to one colour...

Hope this helps

Posted: Wed 5. Jan 2005, 14:23
by cyrano
hi, I would remove the blue for a link color, especially when using other colours on the site.

and would change the article head font, looks like crispy and broken contour, perhaps try a little smaller size.

suggestions thank you

Posted: Mon 17. Jan 2005, 02:40
by artmyth
thank you for your comments.

I have been swamped with other things and havent got back.

I will implement these as soon as possible they are great ideas.

Posted: Wed 19. Jan 2005, 15:42
by Kosse
Hi there,

when you look with IE on Windows the texts are ok, but if you look it with Firefox the padding of the text isn't enough, it needs more "space to breathe"
Plus, the box of your main content has a border with Firefox, not with IE.
I think you might want/need to review the css... (can be a pain in the ass :wink:

Otherwise, the general feeling lacks a little bit of consistancy, means it looks like you patched pieces together. (like the logo of Blue Mountain has a white bground instead ogf the grey you use elsewhere). Maybe you can use a lighter grey for your bground, because the images of your banner are nice, they give the "general look" of your site. And it has the potentiel to look great, as you have clearly spent a lot of hours on it. Maybe also your a:link and a:hover not in blue, but a color that matches the grey backgroud and headers?

Anyway, keep it up, good luck!
