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Maybe it's time to redo the login process

Posted: Mon 6. Dec 2004, 15:54
by oldfolk
I am no php expert but I gotta say that this is the most difficult log in system I have ever come across. Unfortunately its also the nicest cms so I have been sticking with it but the frustration level is running extremely high because of the persistant log in problems. Do a search and you'll find that the problems existed back in 2003

Maybe it's time to revamp?

In the meanwhile, has anyone developed a login hack that allows one to actually get in without problems?

in the past two weeks I have downloaded the program at least 5 times. Have checked and rechecked permissions, have manually fixed the file, have done every suggestion I could find only to have nothing work and delete all files and database and reload everything. (Which I have gotten very proficient at and can now do in my sleep)

I get logged in with no error messages but it won't let me access any of the admin menus, instead showing me as logged in and wanting me to log in again.

PLEASE... any ideas left besides scrapping the whole cms?

Posted: Mon 6. Dec 2004, 18:50
by frold
I dont think it is the login process that´s the problem more your settings...

could you give more details?
have you tested the system on another host or eg local with uniserver or something like that?