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Newbie question :)

Posted: Fri 3. Dec 2004, 14:00
by jonas i

I've worked a lot with gui design and stuff but phpwcms is new for me but it looks to be a very very nice cms!

I have a pretty simple (i think) question. Let's say on a standard page, let's say the start page of my homepage. If I want to add som text to the page like "Hello and welcome to my homepage bla bla bla" maybe some pictures to bla bla... I'm doing this from the command "creating a new article" right? But if I do like that it will become clickable and link to another page with the entire article. Is it any other possible ways to create text for a page that will not act like an article or news item? And if I have a newslist with the 5 latest news like {NEW:5} on the side that one will link the article on the first page. I'm doing something wrong here I think but what? Please help me :roll:

Posted: Sat 4. Dec 2004, 00:35
by oldfolk
Hi regarding the news type layout of the front page text: It all depends on the template you chose when you began the 'article'

there is a drop down to choose the summary template and the full article template. You probably passed over them so they took the default.

What you have to do is go into phpwcms_template/inc_cntpart/articlesummary

There you will find two folders, 'article' and 'list'. What I did to start was make a copy of each giving them new names, them played with the code to get it to view the way I wanted. I think I also copied the template from article into list with a different name as a basis to start modifying.

It's real important to check those drop down boxes when you have different layouts/views to choose from. I renamed the default to something else and named the templates I use most often to default. Everyone has their own system. Hope this helps.

As for your other question I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish. Sorry. Try again?

Posted: Mon 6. Dec 2004, 21:57
by jonas i
Okey thanks I think I understand that.
The thing was that I want to create just text and some images on a page, I don't want it to be clickable articles like news.

Let's say I got a page on my web that we call "Car models"... On that page I just want to write some text like "Here we gonna list a lot of car models, bla bla bla...". Can I write that text in the editor and then have to show on the page as just text, no clickable text like news or something. It's pretty hard to explain, but I think I have to play around a little with the templates hmmm....