adding images to articles...again

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adding images to articles...again

Post by oldfolk »

Hi all,

first of all I have this program installed and everything runs smoothly but for over a month now I have been trying to get the images to work when posting them in an article and have had no success.

I have been thru this board a thousand times and tried everything, but to no avail. I am getting ready to turn this over the the site's owner and need to get it working.

I tried putting images into content/images - not recognized when trying to add images with image w/text or any other article type

I tried putting them into a new folder in phpwcms_ftp/ (stupid I know but I figured it was worth a try) no luck

I tried a new graphics folder

I used the file manager which loaded them into phpwcms_tmp/thumb_list and thumb_preview but still they are not recognised, even with 777 chmod.

If I use the image w/text and click on the little image icon on the bottom, a pop up shows

folder list -no files available
image list - no file

and of course the WYSIWYG editor wants a path but then no matter what I put, no image shows until I close the window. Then it miraculously appears in the article. Not acceptable for the novices I'm about to turn this site over to.

I have slowly put all these folder to 777 which I don't think they should be anyway for security reasons, but I'll try anything to get this to work.

So here's the deal...

Please don't send me to view another post with more suggestions and I have read and re-read the manual which doesn't address this. So if someone actually has this working (either method of adding images to the articles) Would you please, PLEASE spell out EXACTLY what you did to get it working?

I will be forever in your debt. Thanks

I guess if I don't hear, I will just assume that this provision doesn't really work and just give up. In which case thanks anyway.

Post by Pappnase »


have you take a look at this!? ... nistration
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Post by oldfolk »

thanks for your reply Pappnase, but that much I've been able to accomplish without problems.

How do I get from having images in the file manager to adding them into articles as in this

when I click the image to open the phpWCMS image browser all I get is a window indicating 'no folders / no image list'' as noted in my earlier post.

Am I missing something along the way. Or do I put the images somewhere else for the phpWCMS image browser to find and insert them?
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Post by Peekay »

You will need to check that folder write permissions are correct. There's a list at Beyond this, go to 'File' page and select the upload icon (the one at the top right of the screen right next to 'root dir'). Choose the image to upload from your hard disk and fill in the 'keywords' and 'longinfo' fields (optional).

Important - make sure the 'public' checkbox is ticked.

Press the 'upload files' button and wait for the file to upload. The image thumbnail should appear in the file manager under both private AND public files tabs.

To use uploaded images you have to insert a 'text with image' or 'images' content part. You can then select the image to use from the file manager by clicking the folder icon next to the field marked 'image'. In the pop-up window that appears, click the image thumbnail to add it to the article. There are several buttons to select the image position relative to the text.

The 'insert image' option in the WYSIWYG editor only inserts 'remote' images, i.e. you need to include a path to the image. Because images uploaded to the file manager are stored in the MySQL database (not as files), you cannot reference them directly from the WYSIWYG editor. 8)
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Post by oldfolk »

Important - make sure the 'public' checkbox is ticked.
Thanks Peekay, after weeks of trying to figure it out this was it. I had it active but not public.

I thought 'public' made it visible to the site's visitors.

I am indebted :wink:
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Post by Peekay »

You're welcome 8)
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Post by ftalumni »


I had the same problem, so thanks for the answer.

But I'm still wondering how to have several images in an article, as here for example:,0,0,1,0,0

By using Text with image, I only have one image, don't I?

thanks for the help.

Posts: 14
Joined: Wed 24. Nov 2004, 11:49

Post by ftalumni »

OK! I guess I just found out: you can have several contents in each article and each content can have an image, so you have to create a new content each time you want a new image.

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