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ok, this is it...

Posted: Mon 15. Nov 2004, 06:44
by Fulvio Romanin
(real conversation with a presumptuous teacher that made an ugly cdrom with powerpoint and now is looking open-eyed to a site i made:
"oh, and how did you do that?"
"with Macromedia Flash"
"is it simple?"
(in a rude way) "NO"
the teacher looks disappointed and goes away)

just a temp beta, but it's good enough to keep you interested

the very first fcms site, 50% flash and 50% phpwcms baby :)
this first beta features:
dynamically loaded text / title / images* from phpwcms
dynamic preloading and masking (thx vgslag) - still with some bug

xml menu could have had sub-menus and site could have had clickable article listings, both unrequested

next features to come: multi-lingual parsing (already fully implemented, waiting for the translations), unserializing of variables from phpwcms (soon to come, to improve flexibility and ease of change) and most of all - automatic flash resizing depending on content - thus mean the more content you have the more flash projector gets bigger - and all of this without page reloading... this feature should be coming by the end of the year and save your flash files from non-legibility and non-usability...

/me sings "good times" by Chic, before going to bed...

*except where the image size is bigger and needs some movement - there i made a brand new swf

Just Super!

Posted: Mon 15. Nov 2004, 08:07
by Lumimies

Posted: Mon 15. Nov 2004, 10:56
by brans
really one of the top5 Wcms-Sites I've ever seen... (I know this forum from almost the first day on :-)

Posted: Mon 15. Nov 2004, 13:44
by Fulvio Romanin
:oops: my face is getting red :)
thx brans, too kind... :)

Posted: Mon 15. Nov 2004, 17:37
by nekket
Just a big WOW!! :D

Posted: Mon 15. Nov 2004, 17:50
by spirelli
veeeeeeeeeeeeery nice!!!

Posted: Mon 15. Nov 2004, 17:54
by bachi
Yeah, baby.

I love it 8)

Posted: Mon 15. Nov 2004, 19:41
by Fulvio Romanin
i actually happened to add the multi-language feature, so ignore {EN} tags and stuff for a sec - tonight i'll put online the full version!... :)


Posted: Wed 17. Nov 2004, 10:22
by Paradroid
Hi Fulvio,

absolutly great work ! Very impressing.


Posted: Thu 18. Nov 2004, 10:25
by brans
ouhm I really like your multilingual site but the titles are still all in italian... is that the way you wanted it to be or will you fix this ?

Posted: Thu 18. Nov 2004, 10:38
by Fulvio Romanin
ahem - still working on the final makeup :oops:


Posted: Thu 18. Nov 2004, 10:44
by Lumimies
It would be great if You could write a little tutorial of how to achieve such a beautiful and stylish site with Flash and phpwcms..

Hope You have time to do that!



Re: Hmmm..

Posted: Thu 18. Nov 2004, 11:53
by isac
Lumimies wrote:It would be great if You could write a little tutorial of how to achieve such a beautiful and stylish site with Flash and phpwcms..

Hope You have time to do that!


I vote for that too :wink:

Posted: Thu 18. Nov 2004, 12:32
by mind-solutions
woow that is really a nice site! congratulations.. i would like to know as well, hoyw you create a flash animation and put the phpWCMS text in it. if you would be so kind, i would translate then the text as well ( if needed in german) but this is really wonderfull.
lokking for a nice flashsite too as a portfolio and this would it be:-)

so see you

Posted: Thu 18. Nov 2004, 12:59
by Fulvio Romanin
as long as i got some time i am DEFINITELY gonna release the code as open source with some tutorial too - as i already did with FCMS1.0; i warn you, though - it's not that flexible yet, and it's not so easy to use yet. I mean: if you have some intermediate actionscripting techniques, you can work it out, but don't expect it to be a breeze to configurate.

I'm searching - instead - for someone who is willing to develop and experiment with it, so we can bring this to a higher level. At the moment there are a lot of good, yet unused (in this site) features like multiple article listings, multiple image loading, multilanguage (lots of multi, as you can see :) ) but there's still lots of work to do, and since i'm no good programmer and it takes me ages to do something, i'd like to know if there's someone SERIOUSLY interested -and possibly skilled - in helping me with this.

Just to let you see one thing:
this is a technique developed by a very good programmer which allows to reload the content inside of flash CHANGING HIS PROJECTOR SIZE according to his content. So, imagine having a page with 20 images and 2 pages of text: no need to reload, the content would just modify the projector's size accordingly to its size So you'd have html legibility (no more "click click click" on tiny textfields) AND flash animations and sound. Something that potentially could blow away anything else, and THIS being CMS.
Guys - i am pretty excited about this. Anyone helping me? :)

thx to Luca Malisan, VgSlag, Shiznit EF/Flash, and of course Oliver "The King" Georgi - the REAL one :)