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WYSIWYG editor not working

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 01:54
by sagalyn
:?: I can't seem to get the WYSIWYG editor to work. Everything else is working fine. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have even tried chaning the config file to see if one would work and have tried Safari, Firefox 1b and IE 5.5 on 10.3.5.

Thanks in advance for you help!

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 02:52
by Karla
What is your current selection?
$phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"] = ?;

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 02:53
by sagalyn
Currently it's 2, I had it on 1 and 3. None worked.

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 02:57
by Karla
Well all that leaves is 4 --- *WINK*

All with same error message?

Is your phpWCMS version, the latest?
Selecting 'browser-based' (option 3) automatically launches SPAW editor in Win IE and HTMLArea editor in Win Firefox. Using Mac OSX Firefox, it automatically launches HTMLArea editor.

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 03:57
by sagalyn
Yup... can't quite understand it

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 05:16
by marco
I have the same problem; no WYSIWYG editor, no matter what option I select.

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 08:23
by Pappnase
hello sagy & marco

wich version did you use!?
are al permissions are setup right?
with witch programm did you upload?
is your version an updates or an fresh install!?
did you have an software firewall running?
are the ie security settings to hight?

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 12:02
by Oliver Georgi
some firewalls and javascript filters are blocking WYSIWYG editors because these are working kind like popups and also uses redirects...

...and install all patches.


Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 13:58
by sagalyn
Using v1.1-ro4. Pop-up blockers may explain Safari and Firefox, but not IE. Will try on a PC today. Also, My server has a wysiwyg edittor that works just fine. It's using WYSIWYGPro...

I have a clean install using Fantastico. My IE settings are low, I am using a Mac. I only have the mac software firewalll settings in place.

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 14:11
by Oliver Georgi
Fantastico is shit (sorry) and does not install a currect release. IE on Mac does not support WYSIWYG.

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 15:25
by marco
Pappnase wrote:hello sagy & marco

wich version did you use!?
are al permissions are setup right?
with witch programm did you upload?
is your version an updates or an fresh install!?
did you have an software firewall running?
are the ie security settings to hight?
Sorry, for the missing info.

I used the latest version, did a fresh install, all permissions are right, this is on Win XP, not hosted, use Firefox, have ZoneAlarm, I tested it with both high and medium security settings.

I have other CMS scripts on the same PC and the WYSIWYG editors all get invoked both with IE and Firefox.

On my PC it the editor shows up with IE and options 1,2, and 3, but no option works with Firefox, which is my editor of choice.

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 15:26
by Oliver Georgi
then you do not have all patches installed.


Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 15:29
by marco
Oliver Georgi wrote:some firewalls and javascript filters are blocking WYSIWYG editors because these are working kind like popups and also uses redirects...

...and install all patches.

Hmmm, that's an idea; Firefox does use popup blockers and adblock, JS is enabled, I tested it; however WYSIWYG editors do work with other scripts on my Win XP PC and Firefox.

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 15:35
by Oliver Georgi
pataches for phpwcms

Posted: Fri 5. Nov 2004, 15:50
by marco
Oliver Georgi wrote:pataches for phpwcms
Oh, I did not install any patches; I take it I have to install all 5 of them?