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Posted: Wed 27. Oct 2004, 20:31
by vello
What: Website of small cargo transport company
Lang: Estonian

Posted: Wed 27. Oct 2004, 21:32
by Pappnase

i can't understand estonian but the site loojs very good!

Posted: Wed 27. Oct 2004, 22:00
by vello
Hi Pappnase,
:lol: (just for case if yo want to visit estonia) :: hello = tere; very good = väga hea; auto(d) = car(s); veab alati = always trucking; hinnapäring = price request

Posted: Wed 27. Oct 2004, 22:13
by Pappnase
hello vello

trhnaks for teh crash course of estonian lang! but if i visit i will call you before and then you show me the country! :wink:

Posted: Wed 27. Oct 2004, 22:19
by vello
:idea: great idea


Posted: Tue 2. Nov 2004, 03:20
by d-lexy
Väga kena leht, pole miskit muud öelda. phpwcms on väga osavalt ära kasutatud :)

Posted: Tue 2. Nov 2004, 09:09
by vello
Some estonian words between the german an english :wink:

Aitäh kiituse eest!
Täiesti rahul ma ise pole, see on selline pikk ja igav koodi kontrollimise töö mis tuleks css ja html ühilduvuse mõttes ära teha.
PS. Eesti back-end tõlge on minu tehtud, kui soovitad midagi muuta, palun anna teada.
