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Content part: IMAGES (column bug)

Posted: Tue 26. Oct 2004, 18:24
by Velkom
I (think) found a bug in content type/images category:

Column number is always set to "3" (or an inferior value, ex.:1, 2), Is not possible to set "4" or "6" column in this content field.
PHPWCMS version 1.1 RC4 (27.08.2004)


Any solution?


Posted: Tue 26. Oct 2004, 20:26
by pepe
Hi Velkom,

there is no bug!
It's possible to have more that 3 images/line. You don't agree?

Than have a look here: ... 25,0,0,1,0

What you must do is... first select 4 or more different images and then select the number of columns :wink:

That's it :lol: