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Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 04:46
by wireless
How doI automaticly append the author, date, and email link to the end of an article with out having to add it manualy everytime?


Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 08:49
by Pappnase

thats the way we do it at the docu site.

this is a part of the template for the main area

Code: Select all

<br />
<br />

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 19:26
by wireless
Where do I put this?

in the config file?
Still trying to get my hands around this

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 19:29
by Pappnase

in your template!

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 19:39
by wireless
boy do I feel stupid

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 19:47
by wireless
works great.
however, when I have more that one article on a page it doesn't show up unless you go to that article.

Is there a way to get this to show below every article (summary) regardless of how many are listed on a given page?

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 19:48
by Pappnase

try it by editing the template for the article summarys!
i never test it!

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 19:58
by wireless
hate to be a nag, but where would I find that template

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 20:00
by Pappnase
hello wrote:template article listing / display full article (optional):
Here you can choose an template for article and summary. Choose for an test the sample.tmpl in the dropdown menues. You will find the template for article listing in /phpwcms_template/inc_cntpart/articlesummary/list and for the full article /phpwcms_template/inc_cntpart/articlesummary/article.

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 20:17
by wireless
Got it.
Thanks for the help.

So can I define that this templete become the default so I don't have to select it everytime?

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 20:40
by Pappnase

no thats not possible at the moment! as far as i know this feat. will come.

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 20:54
by wireless

Posted: Sun 24. Oct 2004, 23:11
by oldfolk
Have you tried renaming the default to something else and naming the one you want to use as default 'default'?

I'm not sure if this would mess things up so besure to keep the original default in the same folder and rename 'default_1st' or something. Then if something screws up, ftp into backend, delete the new default and name the original back to default.

Just a suggestion....

Posted: Mon 25. Oct 2004, 02:54
by wireless
where is the default template?

Posted: Mon 25. Oct 2004, 08:39
by Pappnase

no the default template is hardcoded! so how you wanna rename it!?