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Content and docs in portuguese

Posted: Tue 19. Oct 2004, 12:50
by Matosdigital
Hi Oliver,
Hope you see this message... :wink:

I work with ASP and I'm now starting to learn some PHP.
I've seen your CMS solution on hotscripts and think that I can make
some contribution on the portuguese language and on translating the
documentation from english to portuguese.

No catch... in the end you will have fine straight portuguese to help
spread your program to the portuguese users, and I'll have learn a
little more about PHP.

The company where I've worked is now closed and I'm now with no job.
So I start working on solutions in ASP and (now) PHP. Finaly the first
real work is done (in ASP content management program).

I also write. I've published a Dicionary that is now on second edition.

Hope to get a green light from you... :arrow:

King regards,

Posted: Tue 19. Oct 2004, 16:11
by isac
Hi josé

My name is Isac and i'm portuguese too,
I have already translated almost backend interface language. If you want start form scratch you can do it but i think is better to start from line 795 in

Code: Select all

because is missing in portuguese translation. Them you can translate Graphical Text MOD 2.0 by Jérôme Gamez to portuguese too. If you do it I think Oliver should be very thankful and community too. :wink:
the documentation from english to portuguese.
There isn't official documentention but pappnase is doing a great job in is website Portuguese would be very welcome too in is website. Ask him :idea:

We can share some ideas in portuguese if you want. Drop me a line to isacaraujoatmsndotcom


P.S. Portuguese translation need some misspelling :roll: correction

Posted: Fri 18. Feb 2005, 18:57
by Jakim José
Também queria a documentação em português

Posted: Fri 18. Feb 2005, 19:18
by isac

eu pensei em traduzir a documentação em português, mas para quê? todos nós - portugueses - entendemos e lê-mos inglês muito bem, ou mais ou menos, por isso e como a documentação em inglês ainda se encontra em fase de desenvolvimento, o melhor mesmo é esperar... o mesmo se aplica à tradução do backend, porque a versão 2.0 do phpwcms vai ter mais modulos e por isso necessitar um revisão completa da tradução portuguesa. Se não quiseres esperar podes começar a traduzir agora mesmo e disponibilizar ao pessoal :lol: - eu fiz-lo. :wink:


PS. German and english post version not available! :| sorry

Posted: Fri 18. Feb 2005, 19:21
by Jakim José
Tá bem.

Sabes responder a alguma das poucas perguntas que deixei cá no fórum?

Posted: Fri 18. Feb 2005, 19:24
by jscholtysik
Hi isac,

is it possible for you to translate the questions Jakim made? Perhaps a few users can also help him?



Posted: Fri 18. Feb 2005, 19:36
by isac
@ jscholtysik

Is asking for portuguese documentation. And i'm telling him it's a hard work to translate all documentation because it's in development and portuguese people can read english more or less. The same thing for the backend documentation because there is new content parts in developement and they need translation too. I tell him to write in english, so him can find more support. thats it

Posted: Fri 18. Feb 2005, 19:37
by jscholtysik
thanks isac
