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I may be dumb but please help. About listing

Posted: Wed 13. Oct 2004, 00:13
by breeggeek
Hi this is prolly a retarded question but I cant seem to figure it out.

how do we set up a place, such as the rightmost frame, to display the names of the new articles and such so that they are displayed automatically each time a new article is added. I saw a few posts that discuss this subject on the advanced level, but i dont even know where to start.


Posted: Wed 13. Oct 2004, 17:09
by trip
read through the tutorials
there is everyhting there

you will also find some of the contributors have made online manuals

see this


Posted: Wed 13. Oct 2004, 21:42
by breeggeek
hmm i still dont seem to get it :oops: but ill keep loking thru the tutorials (even tho a lot are in german and i dont remember my german that i learned ) :)

Posted: Wed 13. Oct 2004, 21:44
by Pappnase

Posted: Wed 13. Oct 2004, 21:50
by breeggeek
aya! thanks so much! i think i got it now, it was staring me right in the face :D

Posted: Wed 13. Oct 2004, 22:27
by breeggeek
hmm i still seem to have trouble adding the names of the articles to the menu bar.

I inserted the {Navigation_column} but it only displays the site structure level containing the articles id like to display. I cant figure out how to get the articles to display on the menu.

also, how do i control where they go when one "clicks"

im sorry im so dumb but i never did much beyond HTML

Posted: Thu 14. Oct 2004, 03:29
by thanhnq
Hello Breeggeek,
So you want to display the whole newest article or just its title and image???