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mysql export/import

Posted: Thu 30. Sep 2004, 20:42
by kac

Back in march I made a site for a client that wanted phpwcms and did an export with phpMyAdmin. Later on about 6 month later they wanted a new site along with the old, so I made a backup of the old site and installed another version of phpwcms.

Now their server has gone down, and it looks like it will be down for some time, so I offered to host their site on mine for the time being.

I've been trying to import the latest file through phpMyAdmin and I'm getting access denied errors. I thought maybe there was a problem with the backup so I moved to the old file done in march, and I got the same errors. I had my host look into it, and he's been trying to make it work since yesterday, with no luck. I then went to a demo site that I have of phpwcms and did a new backup, and then tried to import it into the clients site, and I got the same error. It isn't a permission error because I tried other .sql files that weren't phpwcms and they imported properly.

I then moved over to shell and cocoaMySQL and got the same errors. So this is something to do with the cms.

here is an example of what the backup has that is giving the error. I added spaces so there would be linebreaks for the forum.
INSERT INTO `phpwcms_articlecontent` VALUES (6, 7, 1, 20040325230224, '', '', 13, 0, '', '', 1, '', '', '', 0, '', '', 0, '', '', 0x613a31353a7b733a31353a22726573756c745f7065725f70616765223b69 3a32303b733a363a226e657777696e223b693a303b733a31313a226c61626 56c5f696e707574223b733a303a22223b733a31313a227374796c655f696e7 07574223b733a303a22223b733a31323a226c6162656c5f627574746f6e223 b733a303a22223b733a31323a227374796c655f627574746f6e223b733a303 a22223b733a31323a226c6162656c5f726573756c74223b733a303a22223b7 33a31323a227374796c655f726573756c74223b733a303a22223b733a31303 a226c6162656c5f6e657874223b733a303a22223b733a31343a226c6162656 c5f70726576696f7573223b733a303a22223b733a353a22616c69676e223b6 93a303b733a31303a22746578745f696e74726f223b733a303a22223b733a3 1313a22746578745f726573756c74223b733a303a22223b733a31333a22746 578745f6e6f726573756c74223b733a303a22223b733a383a2274656d706c6 17465223b733a303a22223b7d, '');
What I need to know is this what was supposed to happen and I need to do something before I import it? Does anyone have a fix for it? I can't get into the clients old host because it's completely down so I can't try a different backup.




Posted: Sat 2. Oct 2004, 19:47
by Oliver Georgi
phpmyadmin often has problem when importing via file upload. Open the .sql file in a text editor and copy everything step by step into the SQL field in phpmyadmin. But only copy full SQL queries - ending in ;


Posted: Sun 3. Oct 2004, 02:42
by kac
Thanks for replying. What I don't understand is what is the block of text. Is it encrypted phpwcms content? The problem isn't really with phpmyadmin, because like I mentioned I used command line and cocoaMySql to try to install/import the backups. The rest of the sql tables that don't have text like that installed perfectly and I'm running some of the scripts that rely on the imported information. The only problem is with phpwcms' export.

Are you saying go table by table and insert the "encrypted" text?



Posted: Sun 3. Oct 2004, 08:36
by Oliver Georgi
use phpMyAdmin - maybe cocoaMySql has problems with binary data.
