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Guestbook modification? should be simple

Posted: Sun 12. Sep 2004, 10:01
by jeroen
Hello, I had some trouble with the guestbook of the latest version. Oliver Georgi made some extra files and it works! (thanks Oliver!) Still, I have a problem with modification. I changed the default.html in my language but it doesn't give any changes in the guestbook. Then I thought: perhaps there's another default.html , there must be! I used the search function in XP but there's only 1 default.html Where can I change this thing! I think everybody will say: phpwcms_template\inc_cntpart\guestbook\default.html Well I changed that and if I click on it I see the Guestbook I would like to have. Still the predifined guestbook appears in my application. What to do now?

Greetings, Jeroen :?

Posted: Sun 12. Sep 2004, 10:32
by Pappnase

please try it to open in an html editor! and look also to it in your browser then all fields would explain!

Posted: Sun 12. Sep 2004, 13:20
by jeroen
Hi Pappnase, I edited the default and it looks o.k. in the browser if I start it form Dreamweaver but .... Once used in the frontend of phpwcms application
the unedited guestbook (default.html) is shown. Incredible isn't it? So as I said before I looked if there was another default.html in this application but there isn't. This is really a mystery to me.

Do you have any clue??

Thanks, Jeroen

Posted: Sat 2. Oct 2004, 21:24
by ondergang
I have exact the same problem :? i even removed the guetsbook dir phpwcms_template\inc_cntpart\guestbook still i get to see the default.html :?:

Posted: Sat 2. Oct 2004, 22:12
by argos
Weird, I changed the file and it appears just like that in my browser. PM me if you want the code.

Guestbook Problem solved

Posted: Sun 3. Oct 2004, 12:27
by jeroen
Hi Guys, I think the whole problem is the development enviroment in my case. We moved the site to a linux server on another location and everything I changed in the guestbook and didn't see on my own pc (windows xp prof) is now viewable! So there mus be something wrong on my pc. My advice: upload your site and see what happens. Perhaps xp is not the best enviroment to work on with phpwcms.

Cheers, Jeroen

Posted: Sun 3. Oct 2004, 14:19
it is the cache in your browser. the doesn't check that u made changes.


Posted: Sun 3. Oct 2004, 17:28
by jeroen
No, in my case it's not true. I checked that. It's probably a case of wrong paths but very hard to check if other things do work.


Posted: Sun 3. Oct 2004, 17:38
by Oliver Georgi
there is NO difference between Linux and XP - the development is done on XP. So maybe you have a path problem or something like that.
