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Images problem!

Posted: Wed 8. Sep 2004, 18:47
by Inflicted
Hello there. First post! And love phpwcms already!!!

I searched a whole day to find how to upload images,
and now I can. But I can't use them.
This is the error message:

Can someone please help me on this,
and what is the exact location to upload my images to?


Posted: Wed 8. Sep 2004, 20:06
by Pappnase

did you chmod the content/images dir to 777?

Posted: Wed 8. Sep 2004, 20:32
by Inflicted
Yep, that worked!

Thanks a lot!

Posted: Wed 8. Sep 2004, 22:40
by Inflicted
One more question:

content/images is the default directory?


Posted: Wed 8. Sep 2004, 22:55
by DeXXus

Posted: Thu 9. Sep 2004, 00:35
by Inflicted
Sorry if I'm asking stupid questions,
but if I want to upload images via FTP
what is the default directory?


Posted: Thu 9. Sep 2004, 00:58
by Pappnase

if you wanna takeover images upload to phpwcms_ftp when you procrrd the take over the images would get stored into phpwcms_filestorage e.g. folder 1

if you wann use images via the {IMAGE:filename.ext} tag then upload in picture.

Posted: Wed 6. Oct 2004, 00:29
by PeazRitr
Pappnase wrote:if you wann use images via the {IMAGE:filename.ext} tag then upload in picture.
picture is probably before my time.

just checking, Pappnase, but since phpwms 1.1.-rc4-27-08-2004, should it be upload in content/images ?

Posted: Wed 6. Oct 2004, 09:03
by Pappnase

if you use the image tag then upload the files into the picture dir!