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How do I set up a guestbook?

Posted: Wed 3. Dec 2003, 17:31
by ami6
Is there any function already available today? Or alternatively, which PHP script would you recommend for a seamless integration?

Thanks a lot in advance!


Posted: Wed 3. Dec 2003, 18:26
by frold
There is no guestbook function yet as far as I know..

But you can install one and then make a special template where you build it in... or I guess you can use this tag... ... highlight=
All output of "my_external.php" script will be inserted. This is very powerful. You can use any availabe content var of phpwcms for your script or connet to other external sources.
Sample: <?php echo PHP_VERSION." // date: ".date("Y-m-d"); ?> =
output: 4.3.3 // date: 2003-11-29

Posted: Thu 4. Dec 2003, 10:54
by ami6
Thanks for the fast reply.

Indeed I have seen the possibility to include PHP scripts. This gives huge opportunities - just can anybody recommend a nice guestbook which is easily integratable and fits nicely into typical layouts like the phpwcms site layout?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Posted: Fri 5. Dec 2003, 05:02
by Bijan Hemati
Check this link. It has a nice scrapbook, which maybe used like a guestbook.
