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PLEASE HELP update to 2004-08-27

Posted: Sat 4. Sep 2004, 02:09
by aclm
Ok ive been trying all day to update to

Can someone please tell me the short way of updating my files without loosing site sructure or content in lamens terms, with some amount of detail so i can finaly get this done.
Ive tried to look on the forum but no one really expalined it well.
Please help!

Much apreciated.


Posted: Sat 4. Sep 2004, 09:06
by Pappnase

what for an version did you have installed!?

the best way is to backup all!

but also take a look at this:,0,0,1,0,0
if you have an older version please edit your manually. cos there new entrys.

after you upload the new version goto setup folder and run the upgrade.php
you see there a several sql updates! you need to run the script more times! at the dates you can see wich one you will need!

Posted: Sat 4. Sep 2004, 21:26
by aclm
Thanks for your quick response! :)

Well i am runing the pervious version of

So lets see if I have got this right...

I back up everything
run setup.php on the new version
upload the following files:

Should that be about it?

Maybe it might be safer to just do a clean install of wcms and use the old data base by configuring it in setup.php would everything be retained?

Posted: Sat 4. Sep 2004, 21:37
by Pappnase
ohh god!

noooo!!! use the upgrade.php!!!!! :wink:

wich one was your previeous version!?

Posted: Sat 4. Sep 2004, 21:54
by aclm
that is the current version im running.

Release 1.1-RC4 22-06-2004

but when I look in the folder I dont have the setup.php file
is this something I put up with the new version?

Posted: Sat 4. Sep 2004, 22:08
by Pappnase

if you have backup all! and auploead all you have in the setup folder the upgrade.php file! run it 2 or 3 times and choose all files after the 22-06-2004 sql!

Posted: Sat 4. Sep 2004, 22:19
by aclm
Ok so ill back up everything

upload the setup folder and run upgrade.php

and then everything should be fine?

Posted: Sat 4. Sep 2004, 22:28
by Pappnase

you need to backup all thats the best way!
then upload ALL and run in the setup folder the upgrade.php and run all sql files since 22-06

Posted: Wed 15. Sep 2004, 13:23
by coopersred
I didn't want to start a new thread for this but I want to upgrade to from version 1.1 RC3 20.04-2004 ot the latest version

Are these the correct steps to follow?

1. Back up my data base
2. Back up my
3. Back up my

4. Upload Version 1.1-RC4_2004 to my server

5. Run upgrade.php starting with:
phpwcms_update_older.sql then followed by...

6. Upload my old
7. Upload my old

8. Login and evething will be working fine????

Thanks in advance

I think I am to stupid

Posted: Fri 17. Sep 2004, 22:18
by stift
First , I am not a php crack, only a normal user who needs help.
I have the previous version from phpwcms, I can't find a guide how to update to the new release. In this thread I read to upload the new release and run the upgrade.php in the setup folder, but what happens with all my pictures and settings which I have changed in different files in the past? If I upload the whole new release I overwrite all my folders and files.

Maybe I understand something wrong, but it's dangerous for me to follow this instructions here.

The phpwcms are a perfect tool for me, but in the depht I need more detailed information before I update to a new release.

Posted: Fri 17. Sep 2004, 23:11
by StudioZ
Hello Stift:

I just wish here to share with you a procedure that works for me :wink:
It will make you confident about upgrading, without loosing anything.

Do you have a hosting control panel something like CPanel...?
If so.. you could do... as I do to make sure that all goes smoothly.

01. I download on my computer the initial database
(ex.: phpwcms2004060801.gz)
02. I rename the tar file for the next version:
(ex.: phpwcms2004082702.gz)
03. I create on the server a new MySQL database name: myusername_phpwcms2004082702
04. I am ready now to fill this empty database with the previous one I downloaded and renamed to: phpwcms2004082702.gz
05. You now have two identitical databases on the server, but they are name differently, and you are ready for upgrading safely.

Through CPanel, I use the File Manager feature, to duplicate my phpwcms folder to a new directory. Do the upgrade upon this new folder, and if all goes well... then all you have to do is edit your file (database name has changed)

The only folders that will not change from your previous versions, and that you will need to keep will be:

content (your images)
phpwcms_filestorage (your files, owned by different Admins)
++ inc_cntpart (your custom parts templates, if it's the case)
++ inc_css (your custom css files)
++ thumb_list (your images)
++ thumb_preview (your images)

Hope this may give you a hand :)

Update is done:-)

Posted: Mon 20. Sep 2004, 22:20
by stift

thanks for all the suggestions and tips, now I have the latest version from phpwcms on my website. I have made a backup from my custom files and from the database, have made a copy from the phpwcms folder and have created a copy of my database with PhpMyAdmin.
The upgrade.php made some trouble, so I have installed all SQL updates manual and after corrected the access right's for the special folders all things are working fine.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Tue 21. Sep 2004, 08:10
by Pappnase

what troulde makes the upgrade.php!?