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Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 05:35
by hofisoft
Ich würde mir ein forum so wie in der art von drin wünschen :D
es is ned ganz so minimal wie phorum und ned ganz so klobig wie ein phpbb und schnell isses auch

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 07:20
by brans
naja da punbb sollte man doch ohne Probleme selber includen können ?!?

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 21:13
by Carlos Rocha
Thanks for the link. It's delicious :D

Still a litle big for my taste, but I can to cut things down.
It's a portuguese site, but you can see how PunBB looks inside pwpwcms:,28,0,0,1,0


Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 21:25
by brans
maybe you should use that auto resizing java script ?!?

maybe having a look at this would fit at least for IE users..

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 21:33
by Carlos Rocha
I use Opera, ant it looks great. But you are right: looks bad on IE
Maybe after cuting down a few things (like moderator column)...
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out :)

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 21:47
by brans
I'm using firefox and in firefox it really doesn't even look better than in IE ;-) sorry if I'm that onest but i gotta be ;-)

Posted: Mon 30. Aug 2004, 07:12
by Carlos Rocha
I don't mind about the vertical scrollbar, but IE is the only one that puts an horizontal scrollbar without need (do you wanna a scrollbar? take two :evil: )
With Opera and Firefox I only get one, and never tried Netscape.

I use:

<iframe src="" width="499" height="450" name="forum" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></iframe>

There is any other way I can integrate PunBB with phpWCMS? Maybe with something at "PunBB side"? sorry, I'm a PHP noobie :oops:,28,0,0,1,0


Posted: Mon 30. Aug 2004, 08:05
by brans
hmm not sure if it works but you could try


I gotta have a look at punbb itself to maybe show you another way... I'm sure I will do so in the next 2 weeks cuz I gotta integrate it into one of my WCMS too!

Posted: Mon 30. Aug 2004, 19:16
by Carlos Rocha
Thanks brans, I'll be waiting :)

That doesn't work either. If I put the url in "External content" content part it appears (without CSS layout), but any link within punbb opens a new window.

I'll try the popup window used to show pictures, because even with popup filters on it works, by opening another window, in ANY browser.

Well, it's just one more reason for me to deslike M$ stuff



Posted: Mon 30. Aug 2004, 20:41
by Carlos Rocha
Just 1 more thing :!:

I found another small forum engine, and they say in "Features":

"Can be included from your own PHP script"

do you think that's what I need?

Posted: Mon 30. Aug 2004, 21:06
by brans
hmm minibb seems to work veeeery slow compared to punbb, but I'm gonna give it a try :) thanks for your hint!