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Javascript error on [nav_table_column]

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 02:47
by Hunter58
This is for RC4
I have a clean system and images for rolovers are in img/article.

On page load you can see the menu but
  • all items are underlined
    hovering is not working
On the statusbar of my browser (ie) there is a message that there are script errors.
I enabled the reportfunction for errors in ie and as soon as I hoover the menu this message is shown:

Code: Select all

Javascript error on line 28 char 1, object expected, code 0
I use a simple template where there is only a [nav_table_column] tag in the left block no funny things.

example is at

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 08:10
by pSouper
is this fixed now: i can't see the error you reffer to? (firefox & IE)

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 12:32
by Hunter58
No, did you checked the page?
As you hoover the menu you wont see the bullets change.
In my browser as soon as your mouse pointer leaves the menu but stays in the left column there is a message in the statusbar (error op page)
Setting IE to report every script error you get the message that I reported earlier.

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 14:20
by pSouper
have you modified frontend.css in some way that broke the relevant styles?
have you altered the in someway that may have broken the style used?
have you placed the {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN} within a any markup that may alter the style?

check the style set in for the NAV_TABLE are in the frontend.css AND are not being overwritten by markup in your template. AND that the .css style has a hover state etc.

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 15:34
by Hunter58
this is in my default.template php file:

Code: Select all

// navigation table defaults
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_border"]	= "0";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_width"]	= "100%";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_height"]	= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_bgcolor"]	= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_bgimage"]= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_class"]	= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_cspace"]	= "0";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["table_cpad"]	= "0";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["space_width"]	= 10;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["space_left"]	= 7;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["space_right"]	= 10;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["space_celltop"]	= 2;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["space_cellbottom"]= 2;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_width"]	= "100%";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_height"]	= "15";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_bgcolor"]	= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_bgimage"]	= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_class"]	= "nav_table";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_active_width"]= "100%";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_active_height"]= "15";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_active_bgcolor"]= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_active_bgimage"]= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["cell_active_class"] = "nav_table_active";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["js_over_effects"] = 1;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_norm"]	= "/img/article/nav_link_0.gif";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_over"]	= "/img/article/nav_link_1.gif";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["linkimage_active"]= "/img/article/nav_link_2.gif";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_norm_bgcolor"] = "#D9DEE3";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_norm_bgimage"]= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_norm_class"]= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_over_bgcolor"]= "#D3ED7D"; //#AAB7C1
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_active_bgcolor"]= "#FFFFFF";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_active_bgimage"]= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_active_class"]= "";
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_space"]	= 1;
$template_default["nav_table_struct"]["row_space_bgcolor"]= "#4A5966";
And this is the section in my stylesheet (default.css)

Code: Select all

.nav_table, .nav_table a, .nav_table a:link, .nav_table a:active, .nav_table a:visited, .nav_table a:hover {
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
	font-size: 10px;
	color: #4A5966;
	font-weight: normal;
	text-decoration: none;
.nav_table a:hover {
	color: #4A5900;

.nav_table_active, .nav_table_active a, .nav_table_active a:link, .nav_table_active a:active, .nav_table_active a:visited, .nav_table_active a:hover {
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
	font-size: 10px;
	color: #4A5933;
	font-weight: bold;
	text-decoration: none;
I don't see anything wrong, do you?

By the way this RC4 released in Junu not the august release from a few days ago.

To make sure this a the relevant generated output to my browser:

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<!-- saved from url=(0023) -->

phpwcms | open source web content management system

          developed by Oliver Georgi (
          released under The GNU General Public License
          visit project page:

          Release: 1.1-RC4 22-06-2004

//--><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>phpwcms :: default layout</TITLE>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<SCRIPT src="" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<LINK href="phpwcms_template/inc_css/frontend.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2800.1400" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
<BODY text=#000000 vLink=#ff9900 aLink=#ff9900 link=#ff9900 leftMargin=0 
topMargin=0 marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
    <TD style="HEIGHT: 20px" bgColor=#ffddaa colSpan=5>
          <TD><IMG height=50 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=100 
            <H1><B>Lorem Ipsum?</B></H1></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
    <TD vAlign=top width=150 bgColor=#ffddaa>
      <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
        <TR bgColor=#4a5966>
          <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
        style="CURSOR: hand" 
        onclick="location.href='index.php?ttd';return false;" 
          <TD width=7><IMG height=15 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=7></TD>
          <TD vAlign=top><IMG id=linkidvCXUSm alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/nav_link_0.gif" border=0 
          <TD class=nav_table style="HEIGHT: 15px" vAlign=top width="100%" 
          colSpan=2><IMG height=2 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1><BR><A 
            Tycoon</A><BR><IMG height=2 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD width=7><IMG height=15 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=10></TD></TR>
        <TR bgColor=#4a5966>
          <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD></TR>
        style="CURSOR: hand" 
        onclick="location.href='index.php?simcity';return false;" 
          <TD width=7><IMG height=15 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=7></TD>
          <TD vAlign=top><IMG id=linkidNKBO8p alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/nav_link_0.gif" border=0 
          <TD class=nav_table style="HEIGHT: 15px" vAlign=top width="100%" 
          colSpan=2><IMG height=2 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1><BR><A 
            4</A><BR><IMG height=2 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD width=7><IMG height=15 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=10></TD></TR>
        <TR bgColor=#4a5966>
          <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD colSpan=2><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1></TD>
          <TD><IMG height=1 alt="" 
            src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" 
    <TD vAlign=top width=10><IMG height=1 alt="" 
      src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=10></TD>
    <TD vAlign=top width=600><A name=jump2></A><SPAN 
      class=articleHead>test</SPAN><IMG height=8 alt="" 
      src="phpwcms  default layout_bestanden/leer.gif" width=1><BR><FONT 

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 16:02
by pSouper
i did a quick test: I am convinced your .css is deffinately the problem
  • either not in that path
  • it is an empty file
  • not uploaded correctly/corrupt
  • eat by your dog
  • beamed on board an aliend craft for extensive internal probing
  • run off to get married on a Javan island with a rogue asp script
i hope you rescue it soon ;)

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 16:06
by DeXXus
Your code is generating these Javascript errors:
Error: MM_swapImgRestore is not defined
Error: MM_swapImage is not defined
This is used for the roll-overs and originates in "/phpwcms_template/inc_js/frontend.js" but access to that script is being prevented for some reason and is resulting in a error 403:

Code: Select all

<TITLE>403 Forbidden</TITLE>
You don't have permission to access /phpwcms_template/inc_js/frontend.js
on this server.<P>

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 16:11
by pSouper
It could also be that the error being thrown is stopping the css from being prosseced therefore resulting in your menu looking odd.

if so fixing error will fix the css/menu issue.

also: have you been playing with mods & hacks at all (honestly ;) )?

ps: this threadshould really be moved to support not bugs

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 16:18
by DeXXus
The CSS is not making it out to the browser either (like PSouper says). Id's re-check these:
check access rights for special files and folders.

1) DIR phpwcms_tmp/thumb_list 777
2) DIR phpwcms_tmp/thumb_preview 777
3) DIR phpwcms_ftp 777
4) DIR phpwcms_filestorage/1...10 777
5) DIR content/images 777

6) FILE setup/ 666
6) FILE include/inc_conf/ 666
7) FILE phpwcms_template/inc_css/frontend.css 666
8) FILE phpwcms_template/inc_default/startup.html 666

All other files listed above can set to 644, directories to 755. Sometimes it can help to set mode to 766 for the following directories: phpwcms_tmp, phpwcms_template, phpwcms_ftptakeover, inc_css, content. If you have further access problems try to set all files and directories to 777 (not recommend).
To see what I mean... just do a "File->Save as" from the browser window and then look at the folder that saves the files "called" from the HTML source. Things are missing.

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 16:25
by Hunter58
there is one mod installed.
The one that enables you to modify multiple stylesheet in the admin module.
that's all

anyway I think I will do a fresh install with the latest release RC4 august

and yes this thread should be moved to support. It looked like a bug to me, but I'm not so sure anymore :oops:

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 16:28
by pSouper
a mod about stylesheets & a problem with stylesheets :D it looks like an 'unofficial hack support' thread to me ;)

Posted: Sat 28. Aug 2004, 17:14
by Hunter58
Don't jump to conclusions! :x

this mod modifies act.frontendcss.php and admin.frontendcss.tmpl.php
no more no less.
The stylesheet is not altered. The mod was installed because I don't want to alter the default but play around wth a copy.

well i'm installing a fresh system right now, just to be sure :!:

thanks for the help