URL rewrite w/o mod_rewrite

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URL rewrite w/o mod_rewrite

Post by Jens »

phpWCMS family,

I've developed a hack to allow URL rewriting without using the Apache mod_rewrite. Initinally on my host there was the mod_rewrite module not installed. That was the reason, why I developed this hack. It is based on ideas from Sebastian Röbke (HTTP_GETRewriter).

You have the three following rewrite opportunities:
1) no rewrite: index.php?id=1,2,3,4,5,6
2) id rewrite: index/id/1,2,3,4,5,6.shtml
3) alias rewrite: index/alias.shtml
I've furthermore add the feature, that all internal [ID]-tag links are rewritten like descriped above. And, as I do on my page, if you redirect the startpage, the redirection is rewritten also.

But there is one issue actually. I developed this hack on a W2k/XAMPP 1.0 (Apache 2.0.47, PHP 4.3.3) environment. When I upload the changes to my hoster I got an error due to the following .htaccess changes:

<Files go>
ForceType application/x-httpd-php

These changes are necessary to open the index.php file. As I'm not familiar with this Apache stuff, I can't show you a working example right now. So, if enough of you are interested in this hack and do not have the same .htaccess issue, I will follow-up my changes and prepare a little tutorial, which will take quite a time - for sure.

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Post by nekket »

Sounds great, but I don't know how to solve the problem :?
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