Static export

Use GitHub to post feature requests for phpwcms.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun 8. Feb 2004, 20:38

Static export

Post by Charlie »

we can use a cms for 2 reasons:
1) managing dynamic content, maybe every day
2) generating a more or less static website, just enjoying the comfort of phpwcms

my personal reason is 2).

advantage is comfort! :)
disadvantage is: :cry:

- I need mysql / php on my hosted server (i have to pay for!!)
- I have to solve some problems with google (see rewrite-problems)

My personal feature request is to doube !!!! the usability of phpwcms:

I just need a static snapshot export of the created site. So I can use a development system in the office (with mysql/php/...), and after finishing work I can export the result (*.html) to a static webserver/provider via ftp.

What do you think about it?
