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VTS Erklärung

Posted: Tue 3. Aug 2004, 05:36
by Executter

Ich werde aus diesen Statistiken nicht so ganz schlau.

Wo ist denn der Unterschied zwischen Besuchern und Besuche ?
Warum ist einmalige ne Minus Zahl?

Wiederkehrende + einmalige = eindeutige ?
Und warum ist das dann so ?

Und warum steht bei Online ne Zahl drin, obwohl ich
z.B. auch ne Statistik von gestern nehme?

Sry. Aber ich werd halt nicht so schlau dadraus.
Danke für ne einfache und eindeutige Erklärung :)


Posted: Tue 3. Aug 2004, 06:06
by Ben
I do not understand the text from above, but I too have experienced the "problem" of having a negative value for one time visitors. Is this due to weird traffic patterns or do I simply not understand to statistic properly? I realize that unique - returning = one time.

Thanks for you help.

Posted: Tue 3. Aug 2004, 17:49
by Executter
LOL ^^
sorry i forgot that much englishspeaking persons are visitors of this board :)

i try to explain my problem in english ( only for you ;) ):


I don't know the differences between 'Visitors' and 'Visits'

Why is 'one time' a negative number?

returning + one time = unique ?
and when yes, why ?

And why is 'online' for example 5 if i see the stats from yesterday?

I don't know which of these numbers are the real visitors count.
(with 1h ip block for example)

I hope you can help me :)


Edit: Please ignore my mistakes ^^ my english is poor, i know ;)

Posted: Tue 3. Aug 2004, 19:15
by cguenther
The negative "one time" visitor is a bug from the tracking engine.
If your are not using VTS v1.3x it may help to upgrade to this version. It should be fixed in the release candidate.

Visitor online is the value of the currently users on your website. It's has to be removed in past templates. like yesterday, last week, last month, last year. We will do that in the next update.

The real visitor count should be "unique". Don't mix visitors up with visits. 1 visitor can have multiple visits.

"one time" visitors are visitors which are coming first time on your website.
"returning" visitors are coming again - e.g. second, third etc - to yout website.
"unqiue" visitors are indentified by VTS. its the count of "one time" + "returning".

Please check out out VTS-demo @

Posted: Wed 4. Aug 2004, 22:15
by cwenet
I allways have negative values.
I have updated to V1.3

But this file shows

* @category phpOpenTracker
* @package phpOpenTracker_1
* @version $Revision: 1.2 $
* @since phpOpenTracker 1.0.0

Is this allright?
