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PopUp-Window Replacement Tag

Posted: Mon 19. Jul 2004, 01:51
by pixelpeter
With this replacement tag you're able to open an article in a new popup window. If you want to you can also specify the width and height of the new window.

Usage this tage like this:




Read more here and see it in action

Posted: Thu 22. Jul 2004, 10:21
by nekket
Hello pixelpeter,

tried to use your popup mod... it works and opens the page but only the index.php and not the alias or ID... do you know why?

Posted: Thu 22. Jul 2004, 11:22
by pixelpeter
There's actually a "feature" on some systems (didn't evaluate it deeper) causing this not to work by using the php-function is_int :cry:

- In search for the function get_article_jslink
- Search the line "if( is_int($article_id) )"
- and replace it with "if( is_numeric($article_id) )"

Maybe this helps !!

This doesn't change the behavior for aliases: Please try using simple aliases containing only a-z and test if this solves the problem.

Posted: Wed 25. Aug 2004, 19:25
by bachi
ich hab das tool jetzt eingebaut, aber er zeigt mir folgenden Fehler:

Code: Select all

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/www/web57/html/include/inc_front/ on line 1756
was könnte da der fehler sein??

Posted: Sun 7. Nov 2004, 13:45
by Carino
Einen Fehler bekomme ich zwar, nicht, aber es öffnet sich nicht alleine der Artikel, sondern die ganze seite mit dem artikel als popup. eigentlich logisch. aber interessanter wäre ein tag mit dem man externe seiten einbinden kann.

ich helfe mir z.b. hiermit:
<a href="#" onClick="'quiz.php', 'NewWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=250,

wäre das nicht eine Idee für einen neuen Tag?

Posted: Sat 8. Apr 2006, 12:48
by isac
Old post this one!!

It's possible popup not the entire page but only desired content part?

Posted: Wed 2. Aug 2006, 08:25
by st3fek
pixelpeter, nice mod - thx. :) I'll try to modificate it a little bit, to get only article in a different template layout than it was declared on structure.
BTW. you don't have to modificate these two files to get it work. Just put the code into phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_render/ and for example popup_window.php - it should work fine. :)