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content part pictures - different images on click?

Posted: Sun 18. Jul 2004, 15:53
by cyrano
Hi to all,

may be i only need these function:

it would be great to be able to select different images when using the content part picture.

I use small icon images to fill text pages , make a eyecatcher etc.

So if i use for e.g. a reference page I want to show first small images for a first impression, than on click opening the pop-up page with a different image (with copyright sign, adress etc.)

I know to use the same big one for the small images, but than there is a visual irritation an a small image.

But: perhaps just a thought as a designer :-)

What do you think about?

Posted: Sun 18. Jul 2004, 18:24
by pSouper
I too have asked for this (proxy images) and would love to see it's implementation.

currently.. every time an image is used with a previously unsed size specified phpWCMS create a new image at that resolution. This is very usefull to know as you are able to download this image, alter it (or completely change it as desired) the upload over the remote version maintaining the name of course.

you can see this effect in use on my website (,102,0,0,1,0)

it's a slower process but work for now ;)

Posted: Sun 18. Jul 2004, 18:31
by cyrano
:-) hi pSouper,

great to know.

Thank you for advice.

Posted: Mon 19. Jul 2004, 01:49
by pixelpeter
Maybe this replacement tag helps you: It creates a popup window!