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Edit all available Stylesheets in backend

Posted: Sat 17. Jul 2004, 02:32
by pixelpeter
If you're used to work with more than one stylesheet per website you'll find it kind of limiting that you can only edit the default stylsheet frontend.css in the backend of phpwcms.

This litte hack gives you the ability to edit all available stylsheets resisting in the folder phpwcms/phpwcms_template/inc_css (same place where you'll find frontend.css.

Have a look at the screenshot to see what it will look like

You can download this mod here:

Posted: Tue 20. Jul 2004, 01:35
by pixelpeter
Updated this mod an added an URL parameter, so the edited stylesheet is displayed again after saving/page reload and not the default stylesheet as in V0.1 of this hack

You can download this mod here:

Posted: Tue 20. Jul 2004, 21:31
by cmslover
Neato!! Really a time saver! Should be a WCMS 'default feature. Thanks!

Posted: Fri 23. Jul 2004, 09:53
by jmeyknecht
hiho, i included the CSSEdit mod v0.2 but it always overwrites my frontend.css with the changed data and not the stylesheet i selected in the checkbox. :-(

Posted: Fri 23. Jul 2004, 10:11
by jmeyknecht
hmmm. the prob seems to be there only on the WAMP box. on LAMP it's working. maybe different php settings.

Posted: Sat 25. Sep 2004, 15:35
by argos
jmeyknecht wrote:hmmm. the prob seems to be there only on the WAMP box. on LAMP it's working. maybe different php settings.
Before I will use this hack, I would like to know what LAMP and WAMP boxes are... Something to do with windows and linux perhaps?

Posted: Sat 25. Sep 2004, 15:45
by jmeyknecht
WAMP = Windows Apache MySQL PHP
LAMP = Linux Apache MySQL PHP

box = computer

btw. dunno why the error appeared... now it's working on both boxes

Posted: Sat 25. Sep 2004, 15:47
by argos
OK, thanks for the fast reply!