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paht to images -- in onLoad field?

Posted: Mon 12. Jul 2004, 21:43
by stevenlyons
In the onLoad field of Template area, what path do I use to preload images in my 'picture' folder? I am using the same path as for the normal state images (picture/image.gif), but the over state images are not preloading. Any ideas?

The actual code is more complex than I mentioned above and does include the JS function call like this:

Code: Select all


Posted: Mon 12. Jul 2004, 23:32
by Oliver Georgi
normally - yes. Same as when not working with phpwcms.

But do not wrap it in quotes:

Code: Select all


Posted: Mon 12. Jul 2004, 23:46
by stevenlyons
thanks. the quotes were the problem. works fine with no quotes.