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need help setting up a site

Posted: Sun 11. Jul 2004, 15:40
by SertTurk
I would like help with setting up a basic website for myself.I don't have any experience in this stuff so I will need help.I want something black and cool looking with couple links and a gallery.After that I can pretty much manage it myself.Willing to pay a little too.Please hit me on mSN or email me at this address:

Posted: Sun 11. Jul 2004, 22:50
by pSouper
a number of guys & girls would take you up on this (including myself) but I would urge you to try it yourself.. it really is simple and this forum is so damn good :).

Posted: Mon 12. Jul 2004, 05:29
by Pappnase
hello set

what psouper said is right! try it yourself and you will see how easy it is! we all are will try to help you if you get in trouble! :lol:


Posted: Mon 12. Jul 2004, 06:02
by anhlt1983
Willing to pay a little too.

You don't need pay any...all thing you need is reading the file setup, and read some little in this forum..... :evil: :twisted:

Posted: Mon 12. Jul 2004, 10:17
by pSouper
you may even get to enjoy it (a little) :D
or... heaven forbid.. eve nbe proficient enough to hel pothers in your possition :)

I was posting solutions to threads while installing phpwcms for the first time :) usually along side a new plea for help myself :D