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Is PHP.ini the root of all my evil? :(

Posted: Sun 23. Nov 2003, 13:43
by pSouper
Hi guys, after trying without much success to get my setup working and being left with less funcionality than a choclate teapot I must agian apeal to your collective intelects for help.

I realise and don't doubt that phpwcms works on winXP/IIS/php4.3.4 and so believe that all my problems stem from my php.ini being badly setup. I am pleading wih anyone who has a fully working version of phpwcms on a winXP/IIS/php4.3.4 to post there php.ini [without personal info (if any)] so that i may compare it with my own.

thanking you all in advance pSouper

SOLVED-ish : I changed my php.ini to inclue Buffer = output_buffering = On so that the order of 'headers sent' wasn't so important.
I also had to Man handle the pathnames in and in line with article...

many thanks to all who replied in both posts, pSouper

Maybe this will help

Posted: Mon 24. Nov 2003, 16:44
by cczfury
; Print out errors (as a part of the output). For production web sites,
; you're strongly encouraged to turn this feature off, and use error logging
; instead (see below). Keeping display_errors enabled on a production web site
; may reveal security information to end users, such as file paths on your Web
; server, your database schema or other information.
display_errors = On
Turn display_errors Off, I hope that helped.

Posted: Mon 24. Nov 2003, 17:51
by Florian
additional you should set your logging preferences to this (the default value will spam your page full of 'notice' messages):

Code: Select all

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE 


Posted: Mon 24. Nov 2003, 19:11
by pSouper
thanks guys,
I do turn the errors off but have left them on so that if anyone goes to the site they can read the error reports I encounter - hopefully they would help when debuging my awfull mess :wink:

have you noticed any onther areas I should lookat in my php.ini?
I think the [SESSION] area may be at fault but the session test on my site apears to work - so I'm unsure.

Posted: Mon 24. Nov 2003, 20:04
by Florian
Leave Session setting as they are; -normaly default settings are the best ones... You can post them here to ensure your self :)


I think I'm cured now, thanks guys

Posted: Wed 26. Nov 2003, 11:07
by pSouper
I think I'm cured now, thanks guys