Error after migrating site to new hosting.
Posted: Tue 20. Jun 2023, 19:10
Hey guys. I need help. I don't know what else to do.
I migrated the site to a new server. But the domain remains the same.
I created the database and imported the data with the correct charset and collation.
I updated the configuration file for the new database.
The document root is configured as $phpwcms['DOC_ROOT'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
All files and directories currently have 777 permissions.
When accessing the URL of the site,, a file called download.bin is available
When I open this file in notepad, I have the following code:
I migrated the site to a new server. But the domain remains the same.
I created the database and imported the data with the correct charset and collation.
I updated the configuration file for the new database.
The document root is configured as $phpwcms['DOC_ROOT'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
All files and directories currently have 777 permissions.
When accessing the URL of the site,, a file called download.bin is available
When I open this file in notepad, I have the following code:
Code: Select all
* phpwcms content management system
* @author Oliver Georgi <>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Oliver Georgi
* @license GNU GPL-2
* @link
// set page processiong start time
//error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
$phpwcms_rendering_start = $usec + $sec;
// define some general vars
$content = array();
$phpwcms = array();
$BL = array();
$template_default = array();
$indexpage = array();
// load general configuration
$basepath = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__));
if(!is_file($basepath.'/config/phpwcms/')) {
if(is_file($basepath.'/setup/index.php')) {
header('Location: setup/index.php');
die('Error: Config file missing. Check your setup!');
require_once $basepath.'/config/phpwcms/';
require_once $basepath.'/include/inc_lib/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/';
// Get user Agent BOT check
$IS_A_BOT = $phpwcms['USER_AGENT']['bot'];
// start session - neccessary if frontend users are available
// but neccessary also to check if a bot is visiting the site
// -> if so then do not initialize session for larger search engines
if(!$IS_A_BOT && (!empty($phpwcms['SESSION_FEinit']) || isset($_GET['phpwcms-preview']))) {
// some initial actions
define('FE_CURRENT_URL', abs_url(array(),array('phpwcms_output_action')) );
// init some special rights and also frontend edit
// buffer everything
$content['page_end'] = '';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/config/phpwcms/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/config/phpwcms/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/';
require_once PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/';
require PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/';
require PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/';
require PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/';
require PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/';
// SEO logging
if(!empty($phpwcms['enable_seolog']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) === false) {
$phpwcms['seo_referrer_data'] = seReferrer( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] );
if( is_array( $phpwcms['seo_referrer_data'] ) ) {
$phpwcms['seo_referrer_data']['hash'] = md5(strtolower($phpwcms['seo_referrer_data']['domain'].$phpwcms['seo_referrer_data']['query']));
@_dbInsert('phpwcms_log_seo', $phpwcms['seo_referrer_data'], 'DELAYED');
$phpwcms["templates"] = TEMPLATE_PATH;
$content['page_start'] = sprintf(
str_replace( '{DOCTYPE_LANG}', $phpwcms['DOCTYPE_LANG'], PHPWCMS_DOCTYPE_LANG ) . ' id="'.str_replace(array('.','/'), '-', PHPWCMS_HOST).'"',
empty($content['htmltag_inject']) ? '' : ' '.$content['htmltag_inject'],
sprintf(empty($phpwcms['header_comment']) ? '' : LF . ' ' . trim($phpwcms['header_comment']) . LF),
// Google tag manager (head)
$tag_head = get_dados('dados_analytics');
$content['page_start'] .= LF.$tag_head.LF;
// Compatibility Mode
if(!empty($phpwcms['X-UA-Compatible'])) {
$content['page_start'] .= ' <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="' . $phpwcms['X-UA-Compatible'] . '"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;
// HTML5 does not like content-style-type
if($phpwcms['mode_XHTML'] != 3) {
$content['page_start'] .= ' <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="' . $_use_content_type . '; charset='.PHPWCMS_CHARSET.'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;
$content['page_start'] .= ' <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;
} else {
$content['page_start'] .= ' <meta charset="' . PHPWCMS_CHARSET . '"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;
// Viewport setting
if(!empty($phpwcms['viewport'])) {
$content['page_start'] .= ' <meta name="viewport" content="' . $phpwcms['viewport'] . '"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;
// Base Href
if(!empty($phpwcms['base_href'])) {
if($phpwcms['base_href'] === true) {
$content['page_start'] .= ' <base href="'.PHPWCMS_URL.'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE . LF;
} else {
$content['page_start'] .= ' <base href="'.$phpwcms['base_href'].'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE . LF;
$phpwcms['base_href'] = true;
} else {
$phpwcms['base_href'] = false;
$content['page_start'] .= ' <title>'.html_specialchars($content["pagetitle"]).'</title>'.LF;
// Deprecated custom page CSS
$content['page_start'] .= get_body_attributes($pagelayout);
// Add all CSS files here
if(count($block['css'])) {
foreach($block['css'] as $value) {
$content['page_start'] .= ' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/' . str_replace(' ', '%20', $value) . '"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE.LF;
$content['page_start'] .= $block["htmlhead"].$block["htmlhead_ext"];
if($phpwcms['USER_AGENT']['agent'] == 'IE' && !empty($phpwcms['IE7-js']) && version_compare($phpwcms['USER_AGENT']['version'], '9.0', '<')) {
$content['page_start'] .= ' <!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" src="'.TEMPLATE_PATH.'lib/ie7-js/IE9.js"></script><![endif]-->'.LF;
$content['page_start'] .= '</head>'.LF;
if(!$phpwcms['base_href'] && $phpwcms['rewrite_url'] && strpos($content['page_start'], '<base href') === false) {
$content['page_start'] = str_replace('<title>', '<base href="'.PHPWCMS_URL.'"'.HTML_TAG_CLOSE . LF . ' <title>', $content['page_start']);
// inject body tag in case of class or id attribute
$body_inject = '<body';
if($content['body_id'] !== false) {
if(!empty($template_default['body']['id'])) {
$body_inject .= ' id="'.$template_default['body']['id'].$content['body_id'].'"';
if(!empty($template_default['body']['class'])) {
$body_inject .= ' class="'.$template_default['body']['class'].$content['body_id'].'"';
$content['page_start'] .= $body_inject.'>'.LF;
// Google tag manager (body)
$tag_body = get_dados('dados_webmaster');
$content['page_start'] .= $tag_body.LF;
// this regex's inits rewrite
$content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/( href| action)(="index.php\?)([a-zA-Z0-9@,\.\+\-_\*#\/%=&;]+?)"/', 'url_search', $content["all"]);
$content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/onclick="location.href=\'index.php\?([a-zA-Z0-9@,\.\+\-_\*#\/%=&;]+?)\'/', 'js_url_search', $content["all"]);
if(PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT && strpos($content["all"], PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT.'&')) {
$content['all'] = str_replace(PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT.'&', PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT.'?', $content["all"]);
// real page ending
if(count($block['bodyjs'])) {
$content['page_end'] .= implode(LF, $block['bodyjs']);
if(!empty($phpwcms['browser_check']['fe'])) {
$block['htmlfooter'] .= '<script'.SCRIPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.'> var $buoop = {';
if(!empty($phpwcms['browser_check']['vs'])) {
$block['htmlfooter'] .= 'vs:' . $phpwcms['browser_check']['vs'];
$block['htmlfooter'] .= '}; </script><script'.SCRIPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.' src=""></script>';
$content['page_end'] .= LF.$block['htmlfooter'].LF.'</body>'.LF.'</html>';
if(!empty($phpwcms['render_clean_html'])) {
$content['all'] = preg_replace('/<!--.+?-->/s', '', $content['all']);
// return rendered content
echo $content['page_start'];
echo $content["all"];
echo $content['page_end'];
// phpwcms Default header settings
if($phpwcms['cache_timeout']) {
header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $phpwcms['cache_timeout']) .' GMT');
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', empty($row['article_date']) ? time() : $row['article_date']) .' GMT');
header('Cache-Control: public, max-age='.$phpwcms['cache_timeout']);
header('Pragma: public');
// write phpwcms release information in a custom HTTP header
header('X-phpwcms-Release: ' . PHPWCMS_VERSION);
// retrieve complete processing time
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
header('X-phpwcms-Page-Processed-In: ' . number_format(1000*($usec + $sec - $phpwcms_rendering_start), 3) .' ms');
// print PDF
if($aktion[2] === 1 && defined('PRINT_PDF') && PRINT_PDF) {
require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/');
// handle output action and section
} elseif($phpwcms['output_action']) {
if(empty($phpwcms['output_function_filter']) || !is_array($phpwcms['output_function_filter'])) {
$phpwcms['output_function_filter'] = array('trim', 'strip_tags');
$phpwcms['output_function'] = array_intersect($phpwcms['output_function_filter'], $phpwcms['output_function']);
$content = ob_get_clean();
$sections = '';
foreach($phpwcms['output_section'] as $section) {
$section = get_tmpl_section($section, $content);
foreach($phpwcms['output_function'] as $function) {
$section = $function($section);
$sections .= $section;
// Return sections content ONLY
echo $sections;
// send buffer to browser