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Success & errorpage for mailform...

Posted: Fri 2. Jul 2004, 11:06
by hovardo

I am trying to get my mailform to send mail... that does not work... and I don´t get a success or error page either... do these have to be defined somewhere?!?

My mailform:

Code: Select all

IT|name|1|Navn: |40,100||300
IT|email|0|E-mail: |40,100||300
TA|info|1|Melding: |30,10||300
IC|radio|0|Kontakt meg |100,0|Pr Telefon#Pr E-Mail|0
IT|telefon|0|Telefon: |40,100||300
I fill in the required info... and i have set a correct mailadress for the mail to be sent to, but I don´t recieve any mail.... I have seen that there are many topics about this problem, but they are old... so if anyone could give me some updated info... (tutorial for mailform-creation?)

See the page here: ... ,0,0,1,0,0

Posted: Sat 3. Jul 2004, 19:35
by Paradroid

do you have pages with the alias succes1 and error1 ?
