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Shop Module Categories

Posted: Tue 18. Apr 2017, 10:50
by SaraPerc
Hi there,

I have a problem with shop categories. The client created main and subcategories and wants to keep the main categories empty.
As it now takes from the html file that there are no products it looks a bit funny and I would like to either instead of the text no products show the sub categories or just redirect the page to the first sub category listed. Using {SHOP_CATEGORIES} or even {SHOW_CONTENT:CP,8} doesn't work on the html template shop file but I do remember it worked on the tmpl files for content parts.
I even tried using frames :)

Any ideas how to do?

The shop is here in slovenian.

Best regards,

Re: Shop Module Categories

Posted: Tue 18. Apr 2017, 11:46
by nameless1

Re: Shop Module Categories

Posted: Tue 18. Apr 2017, 11:58
by SaraPerc
Wow!!! Sounds about right! :)
Thanks for the fast reply!!!

Re: Shop Module Categories

Posted: Tue 18. Apr 2017, 15:09
by Oliver Georgi
{SHOW_CONTENT:…} is rendered after parsing modules in newer releases.

Re: Shop Module Categories

Posted: Wed 19. Apr 2017, 13:46
by SaraPerc
Solved! Thanks guys!!!
And this gives me so much more possibilities!!!